Ch 12.5: TEASER

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A/N: I just wanted to give you guys a little teaser before the next chapter~

**S/N: This takes place on their bus ride back to the hotel (AFTER the beach boys incident)


Akemi couldn't stop fidgeting with her germanium necklace.

She wanted a break from these psychic powers even if it was just for a little bit. She enjoyed them a lot, but was still used to the comforting silence in her head.

Saiki, on the other hand, couldn't phathom the use of his germanium jewelry. Anything could go wrong at any second-- and the psychic had to be prepared. And although his mind had so much to worry about, his real concern was drawn onto a certain lavender-eyed transfer student.

What's wrong? 

Even with the germanium jewelry on, she was still able to hear Saiki's voice. "Nothing.. I just wanted some quiet. Take in the scenery, take a nap..." 

Their bus ride was far from quiet, however, because all the kids were excited. Too excited for her taste at this very moment (she needs a nap >o<;;). Plugging her earphones in, she said goodbye to the psychic and turned on her music to drift off to sleep.

Kusuo didn't draw any attention to himself while doing this, but, the author sees all (A/N: MUAHAHAHAHA): He was staring at her resting figure leaning against the window. He noticed the way she slumped down in exhaustion-- not giving a flippity-flop about how she looked while sleeping-- and how her hair perfectly fell around her face. Her eyelids were closed and he got a nice view of her long beautiful eyelashes. The beauty mark near her left eye was darker as the sun shined on her delicate skin (A/N: is that a way to describe skin? i've heard it, but idk if it works).

The boy caught himself staring when a certain butt-chinned oaf placed his hand firmly on Saiki's shoulder. "What'cha staring at buddy?" Catching his gaze, he gasped and wiggled his eyebrows up and down, "Don't tell me..."

Crap he can't possibly know--

"You are--"

Don't say my feelings out loud, idiot!

"Fascinated with Okinawa's scenery?" As these words left Nendo's mouth, Saiki sighed in relief.

Your stupidity is your most reliable quality. Thank you.

Realizing his own train of thought, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Wait, what did I just say? 

Feelings... For... He looked at the sleeping girl, grateful that she couldn't hear his thoughts without him trying to send them to her. Akemi?

No, no this-- this isn't happening to me. An all-seeing and extremely powerful psychic like me... I couldn't fall in-- well, 'love' is too extreme-- the state of attraction. There's no way. I would need proof for something that stupid...

Noticing that the seat next to her was empty-- Mera went to sit next to Chiyo in order to scrounge for snacks-- Saiki snuck off to sit next to her.

I need proof if I'm gonna believe that I can even feel these feelings of attrac--

"Ku... Kusuo..." Akemi mumbled in her sleep.

He immediately felt himself blush. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he wasn't one to lie. If he knew something was true there would be no denying it.

No, that's not enough proof. Maybe it's just hot. Okinawa is at its peak for hot temperatures...

Just then, Akemi tossed to her other side. Where he was sitting. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she snuggled closer to him without any knowledge of the fact the boy of her dreams was sitting right next to her.

He got lightheaded as he instinctively slid his hand to fit hers. Shit... I would have to be some sort of idiot not to realize that...

He took a deep breath. I like Akemi.


Little did he know that he really was the man of her dreams. Well, teenage boy if you want to be technical...

*Akemi's dream*

Akemi found herself in a hazy dreamland of unfamiliar sights. Her friends were nowhere to be found. Suddenly, a familiar figure enters her view.

"Hey! Hey!!!! Where am I??" Akemi questioned the figure approaching her slowly.

"You are in my kingdom. I am the queen and you are but a lowly servant girl! HAHAHAHAAA!!!"

"Oh crap, don't tell me..."

Yep, Akemi's fear had come true. It was Metori Saiko's sister (insert name here, lol but who cares about dat butt-head) dressed in a pretty gown and tiara.

Suddenly, the Saiko girl (she psycho^tm) grew larger than a twenty floor building leaving Akemi to be squashed under her feet. Dream-Akemi tried so desperately to use her psychic powers to defeat the monster, but it was too late.

Running, she knew she would have no chance, but tried anyways. She ran zig-zag and even tried to climb the huge pair of high heels attempting to kill her. She grew too tired to keep going and eventually stopped to accept her fate.

"It can't be helped..." She sighed with a tear.

The shoe continued to lower in slow-motion. Akemi was rendered helpless... Or was she?

At the last possible second, she calls out for Saiki. "(this is Japanese) Tasukete kure, Kusuo! (translation: save me kusuo)"

Flying out of nowhere, Saiki scoops the girl into his arms and flies away from the evil girl. Still holding Akemi close to him in mid-air, he uses his strongest move to defeat the evil Saiko-child.

"Ku... Kusuo?" Akemi finally snaps out of her daze as she recognizes the teenage boy before her.

Seems like I got to you just in time.

Akemi hugged him tightly-- wrapping her arms around his neck letting him hug her back with his arms around her waist. "Thanks..."

For what? 

"For everything... For helping me at PK academy, for always being there for me... And for a lot of other things."

It's to be expected.

"No it's not," Akemi burrowed her face further into his chest. "You're so freaking nice and considerate and even if you try to be distant, you always care for me."

What kind of boyfriend would I be if I wasn't good to you? 

Akemi pulled away to look into his eyes, her eyes widening as time progressed. "Say what?"

Saiki smirked. Of course, if you're into the teasing bad-boy type... I could try it out.

Dream-Akemi blushed, "Wait WHAT?" She took lots of deep breaths in attempts to calm herself down. "What do you mean we-- we're, um, dating?"

Aki, you're cute when you're flustered.

"Aw shut up don't use that line on me! You know it always works..." Akemi pouted.

That's why I use it. Kusuo smiled knowing that this comment would always work on her.

*Dream end*


Saiki and Akemi's thoughts and dreams had betrayed them. Deep down, the two of them knew that they were seriously crushing on the other psychic teen in their class.


love ya thanks for reading <3

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