Ch 10: KuMi

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A/N: Yes, Official Ship Name is going to be a focus in this... hehehe

Although her nickname (something for ONLY Saiki to call her) isn't gonna be 'mi', I made KuMi their ship name bc it sounds better like that

On with the story!

*I hope the scene changes aren't too abrupt


"Ku," Akemi called out. Her and Kusuo had fallen sleep on the bus ride over to the hotel and were now rested up and ready to explore Okinawa.

At first he was startled. Where did that come from? 

"Well, I decided that you need a nickname so I don't address you by your first name all the time. So I thought of 'ku'. What do you think?" 

Have you met my mother? 

"Um, no. I'd love to one day-- she sounds like a really amazing person based on all your descriptions of her. Why do you ask though?" 

No reason, he smiled with a satisfied feeling of accomplishment. She had given him the same nickname his mother called him by. Well, minus the 'chan' part, which was fine by him.

What should I call you then? Figuring out nicknames isn't particularly my thing.

"Akemi is fine for most of the time, but nickname wise..." She put her index finger on her chin in deep thought. "Call me Aki. Like Akiyama, but the romaji (letters) for 'aki' are also in my first name so..."

"Your ship name could be Aki-Ku! No wait!!" Mera thought to herself as she stalked behind them in glee.

What's a ship name? 

"Maybe she's into naming boats?" 

The two were absolutely clueless.. Not that they really wanted to know what she meant anyways.

Mera continued. "It will be KuMi! Ku from KUsuo and Mi from AkeMI. Oh I can't wait to tell her!!"

You already did. The two thought simultaneously then chucked at their inside scoop. Another joke just between the two of them.


During the ride over, while Akemi and Kusuo were asleep, Kaido was practicing his Okinawan dialect skills. Kusuo and Akemi later found out that Teruhashi complimented his knowledge which persuaded him to use it constantly throughout their lunch of Okinawan soba.

The kid is trying way too hard..

"Well, what else would you expect when Teruhashi is involved? Guys really do love her." 

She chuckled and eased Kaido into a different conversation (so he was occupied and wouldn't use the dialect as much). The conversation was about his Dark Reunion history which everyone tuned out on. Surprisingly, Akemi was genuinely interested. "You know, he could just create a popular anime/manga series one day." 

"Hey, have you ever thought of creating an adaptation of your story with Dark Reunion?" Akemi suggested after finnishing a slurp of noodles. "Kids could really learn from your --er-- experiences in fighting a powerful evil group like that. Manga and anime would really help the, um, 'fight' against those guys."

"That's a great idea, Akemi! I think I'll do that..." she sighed in relief as he finally stopped blabbering and finished eating with a newly found excitement.

After lunch, the group went sightseeing. While lots of people would have rather gone to the gift shops, the boys decided to go to some snake vs mongoose battle.

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