Ch 13: Teruhashi's Confession

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A/N: I just found out (thank you wattpad notifications) that this story placed #246 out of 3.9K in the original character category! It may not seem impressive compared to others but oh well I AM VERY HAPPY THANK YOU!

S/N: Also, I'm going on a trip, so I won't be posting as frequently... gomene~


Teruhashi wondered around looking for our beloved male protagonist with a slight pout on her face. She spoke out loud to herself to ease her tension.

"Where could he be?? And why am I even looking for him... Just imagine: the prettiest most perfect girl in the world wandering around all alone at night looking for some average pink-haired boy..."

Akemi was taking a shower when she heard this. "Oh crap... Kusuo? Can you hear me?? She's looking for you right now." 

After getting out of teh shower and changing, she still hadn't heard back from him. "Hello?? How come he isn't responding?" 

Using Clairvoyance, another nifty trick Saiki taught her just days before, she scouted around for Saiki. 

Vending machine? Nope.

Hotel gift shop? No, that had closed a while ago.

Bedroom? Well... Since Teruhashi already checked there, Akemi didn't want to risk seeing something she didn't want to and decided not to look there. That would be awkward.

Suddenly, Akemi overheard another one of Teruhashi's thoughts. "There he is! Why is he just lying near the beach? Oh he's asleep... Now's my chance-- not to do anything bad or anything!!-- to confess my old feelings for him and move on!" 

"The beach... Oh Ku, why did you have to fall asleep?? Who knows the kind of trouble you'll get into." 

Stepping out of the bathroom, now clothed in her purple polka dot pajamas (she was not aware that the school gave out uniform pajamas), Akemi walked back into the shared hotel room. Instead of girls ready to sleep, she saw the concerned faces of her PK roomates.

"What's wrong?" Akemi didn't know what type of problem it was-- boy troubles, school troubles, or a situation they were currently facing.

"Teruhashi's missing..." Mera walked up to Akemi and looked at her with knitted brows.

Yumehara stopped pacing to look at Akemi, "She's been gone for a while now. She wasn't here for the lights out call."

The other girls in their room were also panicking as hushed whispers of worry floated around the room.

"I hate to tattle, but we really need to call a teacher," Mera bit the bottom of her lip.

They all wanted to pitch in one of their anxious thoughts.

"What if she was kidnapped?"

"Or mugged?"

"Or murdered?"

"Or mysteriously shipped off to a foreign country?"

"Or all of the above?!"

"Would the author be that cruel?"

"Seriously guys," Akemi thought with a sigh. "Stop breaking fourth-wall-kun... The fandom will cry." 

Akemi couldn't take the hysterics, as she wasn't one for unnecessary drama, "Look, we need to come up with a plan." Gesturing at Mera and Yumehara, she said, "You two go inform a teacher. The rest of you split up into pairs and search the hotel."

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