Ch 9: Airplanes

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A/N: I wanted to update soon, so here it is! Hope you enjoy it~

Official Ship Name: Kusuo + Akemi = Kumi


(PS - sorry that last chapter was so late. I was having issues with my wifi connection the day I posted it)

(PPS - sorry it's pretty short compared to other chapters)


With everyone now on board the aircraft, Saiki and Akemi settled in their seats with Nendo and Kaido on one side of Saiki and Akemi on the other (order: Kaido , Nendo , Saiki , Akemi , and Mera). 

"Wow, I'm so nervous!" Mera was seated closest to the aisle-way and was nervously fidgeting around with her seatbelt. "What if we crash? Or what if a meteorite strikes the plane whlie we're in the sky and--"

"Has that ever happened in your lifetime?" Akemi rose her eyebrows in suspicion.

"Actually, there was a meteor landing at our school a week before the PK school festival..." Mera began chewing on her bottom lip, "Sorry, Akemi. I'm just really worried. Since my family is actually pretty poor, I've never been in an aircraft like this. Thank goodness there was that extra ticket someone gave me..."

"Kusuo, was that you?"

Why do you ask? 

"Because Mera is smiling at you as she's noting her extra ticket." 

Well, it's a long story.

"Akemi, what if we die on this flying death trap?!" Mera shook Akemi out of her mental conversation with Saiki. "I'm too young to die!!!"

"Mera, relax. We're gonna be fine, okay?" She held Mera's hands to reassure her and make her feel safe. "Trust me, we'll be alright."

Mera was relieved of her fears as soon as the free airline food came out. Knowing that Mera didn't eat anything at all that day, Akemi gave her plate to Mera. Soon after, she broke out the musubis her mother packed for her and shared it with her friends.

"This is super yummy! Like super duper yummy!" Nendo continued to ramble that the food was 'yummy'.

Do you know any other words besides 'yummy'?? 

Akemi smiled at Kusuo's sardonic sense of humor as the rest of her friends munched on the goodies.

As the flight took off and everyone settled in-- relaxing with food, beverages, books, or card games-- Saiki began to doze off.

Too embarrassed to say it out loud, Akemi thought, "Kusuo, you can rest your head on my shoulder if you want... You're gonna have neck pains if you sleep like that."

Too tired to blush, Saiki followed his instincts without a second thought and rested his head in the crease of her neck and shoulder. He was asleep within seconds. "He's warm. Soft, like a kitten..."

She too resorted to her instincts and began to pet his hair, gently stroking different sections from the roots to the tips. This was too relaxing for her and, with that trip to defeat the hurricane, she was exhausted. She fell asleep soon after him.


She didn't want to wake up. Neither did he. But the two were startled into their harsh reality for two different reasons.

Akemi was the first to wake up.

Hearing clicking sounds of a camera and giggles from familiar voices, Akemi stirred slightly while at the same time trying not to disturb Saiki's rest. Slowly, her heavy eyelids lifted to see a giggling Mera holding her phone and taking pictures. Nendo and Kaido were too busy making goofy kissy faces (directed to Saiki) to notice Akemi wake up.

Akemi practically whisper-shouted, "Mera! What are you doing?"

"Oh relax. Just taking some pictures for trip memories." She eyed the sleeping boy and then looked back to Akemi, "You two are pretty cute together~~"

"Hey, it's not like that!" Akemi blushed. "Well, I don't know... He's cute and sweet and-- ugh, I could go on-- but I don't think he likes me back..."

"Of course he does!" Mera almost started jumping up and down in her seat. "Do you even know what's happening right now? One of the most distant, silent guys in our class spends so much time with you and he's even resting his head on your shoulder. He SO likes you!"

Akemi blushed an even deeper shade of red and bit her bottom lip, "Do you really think so?"

It was Nendo and Kaido's turns to enter the conversation. Nendo smiled, "Oh hey you're up! I was sorta listening to your conversation and I think I know my best buddy," He posed in a reassuring manner. "I think he's into you."


"Um, well, it would be hard for anyone not to like you, Akemi..." He scratched his head in slight embarrassment then got slightly more serious. "Knowing Saiki, though, I've never seen him this close with anyone. Even though with the threat of Dark Reunion, us super heroes have to keep our romantic affairs to a minimum..."

Akemi had grown acustomed to his chuunibyou and even played along. "Darn that Dark Reunion. That must be hard to keep all the girls away."

"I have to get them off of me!" He bragged. Everyone knew that this wasn't true, but went along with it anyways. "But with all seriousness, if you like him and you're that close to each other.."

Just as Kaido was nearing the end of his sentence, Saiki sat up straight in an abrupt manner, causing Akemi to jump a little. Hopefully, he wasn't listening. Hopefully being the key word here.

"Woah, rise and shine sleeping Saiki," Nendo joked. Kusuo was far from the joking mood, however, and his eyes were filled with worry. No one else saw this, though, and the three began to do their own thing.

Akemi, I just had a preminition...

"I'm guessing it's a bad one, based off your expression."

This is my normal expression.

"No it's not. You're scowls have different forms depending on your mood. Don't think I haven't been picking up on that-- I'm very observant." 

Hm.. That's besides the point. The preminition was that the plane is going to crash into the water.

"And just after I had promised Mera we would be alright..."

Let's keep your promise then. I have to find out what's wrong with the plane.

"Then can you fix it?"

Maybe. But I don't have enough time to find the problem then fix it. For all I know, it'll happen in minutes.

"How about rewinding the airplane by a day?"

Even then, the problem could have been existing days prior to this flight. I have to be smart about how I use my powers...

"I'll help. What's the plan?"


Minutes later, Akemi is on the top of the plane while Saiki is underneath it. Since she still hadn't learned how to levitate, she would use her telekenisis to pull the plane upwards while Saiki supported the weight by levitating and carrying the plane on its belly.

Finally landing the plane, the two teleport back into the aircraft and settle back into their seats. They didn't want to seem suspicious, so they returned at different times. Just getting off the plane, Saiki and Akemi had to be supported by their friends in order to walk.

"Guess you both get motion sickness, huh Akemi?" Mera chuckled as she helped her friend walk.

"I feel like how Takahashi looked..." 

That bad, huh? 

The two laughed to themselves, still in pain, as their tired bodies were carried into the airport.

I officially hate airplanes.


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