Ch 15: Bear-Kun Approves

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A/N: oml thank you for comments and votes I LOVE THAT PEOPLE LOVE THIS TToTT

2.6K views so far WOO HOO  *O*

I wonder if people out there are just reloading my chapters so it counts as more views *shrugs* (I used to do that for my fav stories idk if it worked but no shame dude)

Sorry for the wait~


Where is she??

Kusuo was growing more impatient by the second. His clairvoyance wasn't doing him any good, so he decided to look for her using all his other powers. All the different possibilities were starting to get to him and made him worry about her even more.

Meanwhile, the two bears-- Akemi was still in her bear-onsie since bear-kun told her to keep it-- were still travelling through dimensions.

"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN, BEAR-KUN!" Akemi shouted as the wind blew loudly in her ears. So loud that it felt as though she was riding a motorcycle.

"No, I'm Ursa Major. You're Bear-chan," the bear laughed as he spoke over the wind. "But if it's easier for you to call me Bear-kun, then I suppose it's fine."

"Are you sure I can keep the bear onsie?"

"It's very cute on you, my child." Bear-kun chuckled slyly, "Any boy would agree with me. Even that Kusuo you like."

She knew she couldn't avoid the topic any longer, "Hey... Can I talk to you about something?" Akemi's voice was shaky and unsure. Even if the bear knew her feelings, talking about it was harder than she thought. "It.. It's about. Oh, why am I so freaking nervous talking to a bear-god-- uGH! I wanted to talk about Kusuo."

"Well we have some time... And besides, I need a break." The bear stopped to rest and looked at her with a grin-- well, as much as a bear could try to grin-- and was trying not to shout with excitement. "Yay, she wants to confide in me!!" 

"I can still hear your thoughts, bear-kun," Akemi chuckled.

"Oh, right... Psychic." He paused before cautiously approaching the subject. "So you like this Kusuo boy but you haven't told him yet?"

Blushing ferociously, Akemi sighed, "We've only known each other for a week or so and I don't want to rush into anything.. I'm still a new student."

"Okay. But what's stopping you from telling him how you feel? You know, a wise bear once said that the hardest obstacles to overcome are the ones you cannot see."

"I just--" Akemi sighed, knowing he had a point. "You're right. I shouldn't make excuses just because I'm... I'm--"

"Look, you don't have to say it if you don't want to."

"I'm terrified!" Akemi couldn't hold it back anymore. "I'm sorry. I just-- I can't hide it anymore. I've never liked someone like this before and it's kind of freaking me out, you know?"

"What are you scared of?"

"Evil pretty girls, people who eat boogers, the future apocalypse--"

The bear sighed, "That's not what I meant." Finding a nicely shaped rock, the bear sat down in attempts to level with the girl. "What are you scared of when it comes to telling this boy how you feel?"

Blushing, she finally let her true feelings out, "What if he doesn't like me? What if I'm just another annoying girl he has to deal with in his anime series?"

"This is a fanfiction."

"BUT STILL!" Akemi grew more and more frustrated. "Ugh, it's just so nerve-wrecking. I mean, he's such a cool and sweet guy but... If he rejects me, nothing will be the same after that. He's become such an important person to me even if we've only known each other for a short amount of time. I don't want to loose him." Akemi began to tear up at the possibilities of her words.

Bear-kun wraped his arm around her in order to comfort her. Akemi was too emotional to speak so she just wrapped her arms around the bear-god in non-verbal communication. It turned into a full on bear-hug. (get it?)

"Now now... I'm sure that won't happen." The bear knew all too well that Kusuo was looking for her right then but couldn't say anything to the crying Akemi. "And if you're that worried, maybe it just means you aren't ready to tell him. And that's okay. You can just be friends for a little while more and get to know each other. When the time is right, child, you can tell him how you feel when you're ready. But for now, just be patient and listen to your heart."

"You're right." She slowly ended the warm embrace to wipe her tears and look into his eyes. "Thank you. That really means a lot."

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," she said as she began to climb on her back and the bear was back in action again.

I hope no one noticed I was gone... I've been gone for quite some time and they would be worried if they knew I was missing. Yeah, they're probably just asleep.

Little did she know that everything was far from being fine.


Akemi, where are you?! 

His thoughts had been the same for about an hour or so.

Saiki was currently flying in the sky searching for any sign of her. Finally picking up her thoughts within his vicinity, he swooped down to locate her exact location.

"I hope no one noticed I was gone..." Akemi thought.

I definitely noticed. Kusuo grumbled in his mind. Akemi was too distracted from bear-kun's talking that she didn't notice Kusuo's "voice".

Finally reaching her, Kusuo noticed her sitting down talking to a bear.

Isn't that the bear I was supposed to send into the sky? 

Bear-kun remembered his ascent to the sky all too well. He put his paws in front of his face defensively and nervously cried out to him, "Please don't hurt me!"

Noticing who the bear was talking to, Akemi jumped up to her feet in nervousness. "Oh, Ku--Kusuo! Hey! Um.. What are you doing here?"

Kusuo couldn't hold himself back anymore, What do you mean, 'why am I here'? You took my control device and disappeared.

"Oh, right..." Akemi slowly approached him and handed him the missing hair pin. He put it in its rightful place as she continued apologizing. "Sorry about that. I was trying to wake you up and didn't want your hair pin to poke you while you were sleeping and--"

Saiki stopped her blabbering with a desperate embrace. I've been searching for you for almost an hour... I'm just glad you're okay.

Akemi's heart beated faster as she accepted the warm embrace. He buried his face into her neck as her fingers found its way up to his hair. She stroked his hair as he held her tightly, not wanting to let go in case she disappeared again.

Pulling him back to look him in the eyes, Akemi's hand held the side of his head as she stroked Kusuo's cheek with her thumb. Looking up at his deep purple eyes, she said, "I'm sorry for worrying you."

Bear-kun smiled at the cute couple with his paws on his face. "Bear-kun aprroves."

And with that, Bear-kun said goodbye to the two psychics as they made their way back to their hotel for the final day of their Okinawan Trip.

Spin-Off of the Okinawa Class TripUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum