Ch 8: Let The Trip Begin

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A/N: OMG PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY READING THIS!! I probably sound like a dork (because I am), but this is seriously exciting for me. I deleted an old wattpad account (out of my past middle school shame) and now I'm back. It feels good to be writing and sharing my work with whoever is willing to read it~

Anyways, on with the story!


With the travel expenses and everything settled, the day had finally come for Akemi to join her new school on their class trip.

"You got everything you need, sweetie?" Akemi's mom popped out of the kitchen, coffee in hand, approaching her daughter with open arms.

"All set." Akemi pushed her suitcase and closer to the wall, so it wasn't just lying in the middle of their dining room waiting for someone to trip on it, and slung her backpack off her shoulders. She was excited for the trip, but morning breakfasts were a must in her family. A custom she rather liked.

"Oh, and I packed you some spam and ume paste musubis (A/N: don't knock it till you try it, it's really good) for the trip to Okinawa. Do you have your cell phone?"

"Yes, mom." Akemi smiled as she took her seat at the table.

"How about your wallet?"



"Mm hmm."

"Pads-- I don't want you to get your period on this trip, but just in case--"

She started to cringe inwardly and sighed, "Yes, mom..."

"And the emergency money? Only use that for emergencies, now, don't be spending it all willy-nilly..."

She giggled. "I have everything, mom. Thank you for being so concerned, but I'll be fine."

Akemi mused for a split second, thinking of the week leading up to this trip. "I'll have Sai-- (I mean) Kusuo there with me, so there's nothing to worry about."

"I'm your mother: it's my job to worry about you."

A familiar figure came up from behind Akemi and grasped at her shoulders lightly. "And it's my job to keep you two worry-warts from going crazy!"

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" Akemi punched her father's shoulder lightly, smile on her face. She knew this routine would never change-- their way of life was to keep each other alert and light on their toes.

"Morning sunshine," he ruffled Akemi's hair playfully. "Excited for your trip?"

Instead of answering, since her mouth was stuffed with miso soup with tofu and rice, all she could do was smile and nod in return.

"This is gonna be so much fun!!" Akemi smiled as she said her goodbyes, grabbed her luggage, and trudged away for the train station (arriving near the airport).

--- *she gets there* ---

Her necklace made of germanium is still around her neck, so thoughts of other travelers didn't flood into her mind. It was peaceful every now and then to get a break from being a psychic. Managing everyone's inner thoughts was exhausting.

Saiki manages to arrive after Akemi did and sent her a telepathic message to say hi. Although germanium 'prevents' these powers, it doesn't completely stop them from working. So Akemi was still able to hear his gentle, yet blunt, greeting.

Just as the two were walking towards each other, Teruhashi ran into his line of direction. He wanted to talk to Akemi with a less awkward distance between them so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Or, at least, that's what he kept telling himself. The truth was that he just wanted to be closer to the girl he had gotten to know over the past couple of months. Teruhashi made it her mission to show that certain transfer student that Saiki was "hers" (at least in Teruhashi's eyes).

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