Ch 17: Once a Month.

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Artist Lookout: if you like this fanfic and like to draw, please send me any fanart!! I would love to see how Akemi and Kusuo look in your eyes (also I can't draw for my life)


With the Coffee Jelly Red Bean Anmitsu, the Okinawan School Trip came to an end. Our story, however, is just getting started...


Weeks after their trip to Okinawa, school continued just as it normally did. Classes, talks about crushes, Takahashi returning to school, and psychics protecting the school from danger or mayhem. You know, just ordinary school days.

Akemi was grateful things had died down from the Okinawa Trip, but couldn't stop thinking about all the craziness that had happened. She was reminiscing on the trip while lying in her bed one beautiful Saturday morning when, all of a sudden, she realized something with a huge amount of dread.

It was that time of the month.

Yes, the few days in every month where a girl gets a surprise ambush from her uterus.

Clenching her stomach in pain, due to cramps, Akemi reached for the phone and called Mera.

"Help..." she said weakly. "Uterus, pain... suffering-- UGH!" Akemi groaned in pain as the cramps continued to get worse.

"I'm on my way! DON'T DIE ON ME AKEMI!" Mera cried and left her house. The weekend was usually her working time, but she was able to swing by before her shift started.


"Akemi!" Mera knocked on the door.

Opening the door was not Akemi, but rather, a mysterious and seemingly zombified girl hunched over and holding her stomach tightly. The period-Akemi.

Walking in with Teruhashi and Yumehara, Akemi saw that all three of the girls had brought something to help her out.

"Come, sit down. You're gonna bleed everywhere moving around like that," Mera chided.

"Mera, that's not something you say to someone in this state! Here, Akemi, just take these." Yumehara held out a pill and a bottle of water. "It's motrin. Take one every four to six hours."

Mera patted her friend on the shoulder. "I didn't have much at home, but I brought over a heating pack. I'll go microwave it, just give me a sec."

Teruhashi placed a small basket in front of Akemi.

Period-Akemi groaned in pain as she clenched her jaw to fight back the pain. "What-- what's that?"

"It's the period survival kit! It has everything you need," Teruhashi smiled as she revealed its contents to the dying girl in front of them. "Extra pads, motrin from Yumehara, fuzzy socks, magazines, chips, and-- of course-- loads of chocolate."

Akemi perked up upon hearing the word chocolate. She began to tear up, "You guys are the best. I'm in so much pain but you all don't know how much this means to me.."

The three girls chimed in one after another:

"Oh shut up! Just hang in there."

"We do this because we love you, girl!"

"What else would you expect from your bestest friends?"

Akemi was filled with joy. "You guys-- I love you all! Thank you!!" And with that, she pulled them into a bear hug.

Mera kept laughing, "This reminds me of that time during the trip to Okinawa where Akemi shot milk out of her nose during Truth or Dare!"

"Haha yeah! We laughed so hard after that we just ended up hugging into one giggle pile!"

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