1 - Could You Please Not Tell Anyone?

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Oh, you're still here? I wonder why. Probably because you want to hear how my story ends. Well before I do that I'll have to start by telling you how it all began.

As I mentioned before I was going to tell my best friends about my sexual orientation. Everything was going as smoothly as ever and by that I mean my parents were so busy trying to eat each other's guts that they didn't even notice how I sneaked out from the house. Honestly I think even if I died from starvation inside my room they would probably not realize it before my body started stinking like a dead rat.

Anyway I don't want to bore you with my parents right now. Even thinking about them changes my mood drastically so let's not think about them for today. I'll concentrate on something more positive like how I'm about to tell my best friends that I'm gay. So shall we begin?


"Why did you bring us here, Jesse? Couldn't we just go to the Granny's diner? That's where we usually go anyways, I don't understand why we traveled all the way to the neighbor town." Lucy pointed it out after we got to our table.

"I'll explain everything soon enough. But before I do that why don't we order something. I've heard that they have a really good pizza. You can order anything you want it'll be my treat." I said and smiled politely avoiding direct eye contact with any of my friends. Instead I stared at the menu thinking about every possible way how everything could go wrong. But I could never even imagine what a horrible disaster my future was holding for me.

"Don't mind if I do." Lucy started clapping like a little kid who was just told she could eat as much ice cream as she could. "You know what, I think I'm warming up to this place. We should go out more often. It's actually quite a surprise that it was your idea to travel all the way over here. Usually I'm the one who has to force you to even leave your room."

While Lucy was blabbing about some nonsense which was all true by the way, she really had to drag me from my bed every time we went to the movies or pretty much anywhere except for school; Felicity started waving her hands to get our attention since she couldn't really talk. That's because she's mute but I think I already mentioned that earlier.

"Did you hear that Matt and Briana had a massive fight? They are on a 'break' now. I think Matt finally realized how horrible Briana really is." Felicity signed to us with her hands.

I cracked a smile when I heard that school's 'hottest' couple had relationship problems. Lucy was fast enough to notice my reaction and she rose her left eyebrow in response.

"What was that about?" She asked me eventually.

"What do you mean, it was nothing." I tried avoiding her question but it didn't look like she was planning on giving up anytime soon.

I couldn't tell her that I had a huge crush on Matt ever since we were in the middle school, that wouldn't make sense, before I actually came out from the closet. I always knew Matt and I  never even had a chance because he's straight, but what could I do? The heart wants what it wants.

I can't just turn off my feelings towards him now, can I? And by feelings I don't mean love because I definitely don't love him it's just an innocent crush which will never become a thing so why bother talking about it.

"It was clearly something. Now, stop muttering, you know how I hate when you do that and start spilling the tea. Did you have something to do with their fight?" Lucy insisted. She looked like Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland with the grin on her face.

"What? There's no tea to spill. How could you even think that? Of course I didn't do anything. What, do I look like a home wrecker or something? Besides it's not like Matt and I are best friends. He doesn't even know I exist so I how could I have broken them up." It didn't look like Lucy was convinced but I thought that my response was good enough to at least make her stop assuming weird things like that.

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