17 - A Mistake

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"Can you do me a favor?" I finally gathered my courage and asked.

"What kind of favor?" Andrew responded with a question.

"Nothing serious... I just..." I didn't know how to phrase it. "Well, could you give me a ride to our English teacher's house? She lives near the church."

"You mean Ms. Ziegler's house? Yeah, but what's the occasion?" Andrew looked me with a confused facial expression.

"It's nothing important, I just want to ask her something about the homework."

"And it can't wait till you see her in school?" He hoped that I'd reveal my true intentions about why I wanted to go to Ms. Ziegler's home but I couldn't tell him anything about that.

"No, I have to go there as soon as possible." I said and avoided eye contact with him so he wouldn't be able to tell that I was nervous.

"Okay, let's go."

You might be wondering why in the world I asked Andrew Wilson to go with me. Well, I did have my reasons and let me tell you what they were.

First one was that I couldn't ask Lucy to take me there because she's very curious so she'd definitely find out that I was hiding something and I didn't tell her about my twin, who died because of my mother.

Felicity didn't know how to drive like me so she didn't even have a car and I couldn't ask her to take me there. Even if she did have a car I doubt she'd be able give me a ride anywhere. Ever since her dad's accident she can barely get into the car and asking her to drive one would simply be too much.

I could have gone there alone, it's not like my English teacher's house is ridiculously far away from here. Even though I don't have a car or a driving license I could have just walked there on my own and it would take about 45 minutes.

Why didn't I do that? Well, actually I did. I went there on my own and when I was about to knock on the door some weird feeling in my heart didn't let me. I just stood there like a lunatic for 10 minutes staring at the entrance of the building and I couldn't bring myself to take another step. Then I heard someone approaching the door from another side and ran away from there without looking back.

You might ask, what does any of that has to do with Andrew? Well, I'm taking him because he won't ask me a lot of questions about why I'm going there, he'll just wait for me in the car while I do my 'research' so he's a better choice than Lucy in that department. And also if there will be someone waiting for me outside I won't have a chance to run away. I'll have to face my fears no matter how frightening they might be. So Andrew's the best choice I've got. He won't bug me with the unnecessary talk because he doesn't care enough for any of that crap and I just need him to be there so I won't hesitate for so long next time.

The hardest part about this plan I thought would be convincing Andrew to help me but that turned out to be the easiest one for some reason. He didn't even blink an eye and agreed to assist me in a second. I didn't know why but that seemed a lot stranger than it should have.

I feel strange because I don't know why he's doing that. Or why he helped me to get out of jail. Oh and I almost forgot, Felicity was so worried that she'd meet that rapist again in school but he never came back. I heard in the boy's bathroom that he transferred to another school. He would never do that with his own free will, not unless someone made him to. And I suspect it was all thanks to Andrew.

"We're here." Andrew spoke after a few minutes.

Oh, already? But I didn't even get a chance to think about what I was going to say to Dr. Ziegler. I was so distracted with my other thoughts that I completely forgot to focus on the most important one in that moment.

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