66 - Lost Soul

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"Oh, good, you're finally awake..." I could hear someone's croaky tone from above me while I was attempting to open up my eyes which was super difficult for some reason.

At first I was extremely confused because I just had the strangest dream and when I woke up I had no idea how this person got inside my room. But once I regained my consciousness I quickly realized I was in fact not in my room and what I originally claimed to be a dream was definitely the reality.

My first instinct was to run. Unfortunately that seemed impossible since my legs were tied to my hands with a quite uncomfortable rope. Only then I managed to look up and finally face my kidnapper.

"Ugh... You have got to be kidding me! What do you want from me, you creep?!" I groaned with frustration.

"What I want from you is to be a good boy and shut your mouth." Mason replied with a demanding voice. "Or I will make you... But I doubt you'll like what I have in mind for you..." A devilish grin covered his entire lower face while his eyes remained expressionless and blank.

"Well if you wanted me to shut up why'd you kidnap me then?" I complained and rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Did he wake up?" A feminine voice broke the silence from the other room.

"Yeah..." Mason responded with a sigh.

"Took you long enough..." The girl walked inside and I was finally able to distinguish who she was. "Listen, Jesse, I don't like this situation any more than you do so let's cooperate and we'll both be going our separate ways once you do what I want."

"Oh, an attempted rapist is hanging out with an accused murderer. What a lovely couple..." I made a sarcastic remark. "And what is it you want from me exactly?"

"Nothing special... You just have to say a few words on the phone. That's it." Violet Grey answered with a devilish smirk but just like Mason she also seemed a bit preoccupied.

"What words?" I questioned her.

"It doesn't matter which words you say. The important thing is whom you tell them to." She hissed like some sort of a reptile which gave me the shivers.

After that Violet walked towards the table where the phone was and called someone. She turned on the speaker so everyone in the room could also hear who she was talking to.

"Hello..." I heard a familiar voice and finally realized what her plan was.

"Hello there, love... It's been a while..." Violet attempted to sound seductive for some reason.

"Who is this?" Andrew's confused, yet cautious tone was suggesting that he had an idea of who he was talking to. He just didn't want to admit it.

"Oh... My sweet boyfriend doesn't even recognize my voice?" She said ironically. "After all, dear, we were dating each other for quite some time. It didn't end well but still..."

"Look, Violet, I really don't have time for this. I'm looking for someone right now and you're wasting my time..." Andrew sounded like he just ran a marathon.

"But I think I might be able to help you with that because I might have an idea of who you're looking for and I might even know exactly where you will be able to find that person..." Violet basically spelled it out for him.

"What are you talking about..?"

"I can just tell you but I think it'll be better if you hear his voice yourself. In case you had any doubts that I wasn't being genuine." Violet diverted her gaze towards me, bent down and put her phone closer to my face. "Say hi, freak..." She demanded but I shook my head in denial. "Say it! Or I swear I will cut off your fingers and send it him."

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