49 - Psycho

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I heard someone calling my name.

It was strange...

His voice was so soothing...

I opened my eyes and I saw the person who was talking to me. He kind of looked like me but I had never seen him before. Even though he was a stranger I wasn't scared of him. For some reason he felt familiar.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The boy looked me in the eyes and smiled. He didn't reply. Instead he started walking towards the light that was shining through from above.

"Wait... where are you going?" I followed him. For some reason I felt so attached to him that I couldn't just let him leave. "How do you know my name?"

The boy suddenly stopped walking and turned around to face me. Another person who looked a lot older than him also showed himself from the left corner. I wasn't able to see him clearly yet but once he came closer to the light I recognized a very familiar face.

"Grandpa!" Tears filled my eyes when I saw my long passed away grandfather. He looked younger than when I last saw him and he seemed a lot happier.

I walked closer to my grandpa and he pulled me in for a refreshing hug. Once our bodies disconnected from each other he looked at my face with a heartwarming smile on his lips.

"My little boy, you've grown so much!" Grandfather spoke up after a few moments of silence. He put his hands on my face so he could see me even clearer. "I know how hard your life was and I'm so proud that you kept fighting even though you wanted to give up so many times!"

I was so overwhelmed with happiness that I didn't even question how I got here in the first place. For some reason this didn't feel strange at all. Actually it kind of felt like home...

"Really?" I said fearfully. "I was so worried that you'd be disappointed in me because I'm..." I was unable to finish the sentence but grandpa already knew what I was going to tell him.

"Never!" He held onto my hand warmly and reassured me. "You're a part of my family and family should always support one another. There's nothing you could do that would make me stop loving you. You're my grandson and nothing in the world will ever change that."

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard those words coming out of my grandpa's mouth. He was always very kind towards me but I didn't expect him to be this understanding.

"Wait... if you're here then does that mean that..." I quickly looked back at the boy who woke me up. "He's my..."

"Brother!" The boy showed his teeth and nodded in agreement.

I gasped for air and almost started crying like a little baby. My brother came closer to me to hug me. Feeling his arms twisted around me was one of the most compassionate things that happened to me.

We didn't get to spend much time in that position because my grandfather suddenly grabbed onto my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"My boy, you don't have much time left." He started explaining. "You have to leave now!"

"But I just got here... Can't I stay for a little longer?" I tried persuading him.

"Don't worry you'll see us in the future... but now is not your time." Grandpa's sad smile was so heartbreaking to look at. "There are people waiting for you on the other side! You wouldn't want your grandma to feel sad now, would you?"

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