29 - Too Good To Be True

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"Hurry up, we're going to be late!" Andrew said from the outside.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I replied and got back to what I was doing.

Oh, what was I doing? Well, in fact, I was getting ready to go to Andrew's dad's party.

Unsurprisingly he had won the elections and now it was time to celebrate it. I'm not exactly sure if this is a normal thing to do but as long as there's going to be free food I'm in.

I just finished showering and sprayed the antiperspirant all over my body. Then I started putting on some clothes. That took longer than expected. Andrew sighed loudly from the outside and that made me even more nervous and slowed down the entire process for quite a bit.

Few moments later I was finally ready. I looked in the mirror one last time to adjust my hair and smiled once I was satisfied with the result. Not to brag or anything but this style suited me pretty well if I may say so for myself.

I took a deep breath and opened up the door.

"Ugh thank god, what took you so long? I was about to call the..." Andrew laid his eyes on me and didn't finish what he was saying. His looked so dumbfounded as if he'd seen a ghost or something.

I laughed and waved my hand in front of his eyes to make him snap out of his current position. "Are you okay?"

He blinked quickly and shook his head slightly. "Yeah... Um... I'm fine." His tone was a little off but I didn't really pay much attention to that. "You look... great."

"Oh, thanks, I guess." My cheeks heated up and I felt so embarrassed that I couldn't even look him in the eyes. "I mean, you look way better than me."

He smiled confidently and slightly bit his lower lip. I don't know why but for some unexplained reason I got goose bumps all over my body. My anxiety was at its highest and my heart was beating so fast that I wasn't sure if I'd even get to the party alive.

"We should probably get going now," Andrew broke the silence shortly and grabbed onto my arm and started walking. "We're already kind of late. Sofia just texted me that a lot of people are already there."

Ugh, I don't like being late. I hope no one will start staring at us when we get there. Jeez, my hands are shacking and my mind's all over the place. I can't even concentrate on one thing because for some reason I keep thinking about all the horrible ways I'll probably manage to embarrass myself in front of everyone. I better calm down or soon I'll have a heart attack.

The car ride was pretty uneventful and not long enough if you ask me. I didn't have enough time to practice. Though I'm not exactly sure what I was practicing for. I mean, it's just a party, I should be having fun instead of being absurdly worried about everything.

Once we arrived to our destination and got off the car I tried to look around to see if there was a lot of people in here already. No one else seemed to be outside like us so I guess that meant that they were all inside.

Soon we got to the entrance. I swallowed and tried to calm down. I think Andrew saw how nervous I was and he grabbed onto my hand to make me feel a little more comfortable. My heart started racing even faster and he noticed that so he quickly let go of my hand.

Not going to lie, I was kind of disappointed but I understood why he did that. I mean it would be really weird if we went in there holding hands.

Once we finally got inside the huge space filled with tables full of people some of them turned around to face us. I thought this would make me feel even more anxious but to my surprise the fact that I was standing next to Andrew was enough to forget about all of them.

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