14 - Get Me Out of Here!

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"What do you mean he's off the hook? He tried to rape my friend and you're telling me that I'm the one who should be in jail? I was only protecting Felicity." I complained while standing inside a little room that is called a cell.

"I know, Jesse. But its' not as easy as you'd think. He's chief's son and I can't do anything..." My uncle answered.

"Uncle Jerry, he deserves to be in jail not me." I cried out. "Why am I being held here?"

"Well, you almost killed him. That sounds like a good enough reason to me." Jerry replied. "I think few days in jail is a fair punishment."

"What? Are you serious? I didn't do anything wrong. He's the one who should be here instead of me." I got annoyed. Having connections in this cursed town was almost as essential as water. If your family didn't have that kind of power your life wouldn't be easy. Unlike my parents who didn't give a fuck about me it looked like that the rapist's parents did care about him and that's why he was free and I was here in this small uncomfortable room. "Who's side are you on anyways?"

"I'm on your side, of course, but you know that punishing chief's son won't be easy." Uncle Jerry responded with a sigh. "It's just how life works. One who has the power decides what is right and what is not."

"I don't need your wisdom right now, Uncle Jerry. What I need from you is to get me the hell out of here."

"I'm really sorry, Jesse. You know I don't want you to be in this cell but I can't do anything. My hands are tied. I can't even..." Uncle Jerry was cut off from the noise outside.

"Where is he? I need to see him." I heard a familiar voice and was able to recognize my friend Lucy.

"I'm sorry, young lady, but visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow." A female receptionist answered her question.

"It's okay, they're with me. Right this way, girls." Uncle Jerry called for them.

Soon I saw Felicity who looked like she was crying all day, which was probably the truth and Lucy who looked furious. My uncle went to the other room to give us some privacy.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked me once she got closer.

"I'm fine but how are you?" I quickly diverted my face towards Felicity who was so embarrassed that she couldn't even look me in the eyes.

"I'm okay." She signed with her hands and tears started falling from her eyes. "I never got a chance to say thank you. I really appreciate what you did for me."

"There's no need to thank me. I was only protecting my friend and I'd do the same thing even if I could go back." I said.

Suddenly I felt pain in my stomach, probably because of all the kicking I received from that jerk. Soon I started coughing and my head hurt so much that I almost fell but I managed to take a hold of myself.

"Jesse!" Lucy grabbed my hand helping me stand straight. "You need to see a doctor. Didn't these morons take you to the hospital?"

"It's nothing. I'm fine, it's just a little scratch." I assured her.

"Are you kidding me?" She got even more frustrated. "Alright, that's it. I'm gonna get you out of here." Then Lucy started looking around searching for the key that would open the cell.

"They don't just leave the keys hanging around like that, you know." I smiled thinking that it was going to make my friends think that I was okay but my forced smile gave away my real emotions.

"Ugh, how annoying. And that jackass is free of charge. How is that fair?" Lucy complained.

"I know." I agreed. "But what can we do? It's not like I can do anything from here."

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