15 - The Doctor Will See You Now

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"You lied to me!" After a few minutes of awkward silence Andrew finally spoke to me. I didn't dare to break the tension between us so I just stayed quiet and sat into his car.

"Oh, and here I thought you were giving me the silent treatment." I answered.

"You said that you were going to study for the test." Andrew completely ignored what I just said. "But instead you almost beat someone to death."

"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry that I lied to you but what else could I do? That guy was gonna rape my friend and I had to stop him. I don't regret what I did because I know it was the right thing to do. Maybe I was a little too violent but I had a lot of anger boiling inside me because of my own personal problems too. Besides I also have anger management issues and... I'm talking way too much again, aren't I? I'm sorry for what I did, okay? I didn't mean to deceive you in any way."

"If you lie to me one more time I'll make your life a living nightmare." Andrew finally cooled down a little bit.

"It already is a living nightmare so you'll have to try thinking of something more original." I joked to ease the tension but it didn't seem like it worked so I preferred to change the subject. "Where are we going anyways, this isn't the way of your house?"

"You'll know when we get there." Andrew answered shortly his eyes were still glued on the road and I could see that he was really exhausted. Probably because he had a football game yesterday and then he had to get me out of the prison.

"Anyways, I wanted to thank you for what you did for me. I'm not sure why you bothered to go through all the trouble but I really appreciate it." He didn't answer after that so I assumed he just didn't want to talk and continued. "I guess you had your reasons and you don't want to tell me what they were. Okay, if that's the case let's talk about something else. Um, how did the game end, did you win?"

"Yes, of course we won." Andrew replied and started slowing down the car. Then he parked around the corner and looked at me. "We're done talking, now get out."

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"I said get out." He repeated but his tone wasn't harsh at all. "We're already here."

He then pointed his finger to my right and I saw that the car was stopped near a hospital. "What are we doing here?"

"You need to be examined by the doctor." Andrew opened the door from his side and I wasn't able to argue with him. Besides it's not like seeing a doctor was a bad idea at all so I just followed him.

Soon my examination started and Andrew left me with the doctor. They told me that I wasn't seriously injured, thankfully and all I needed was some rest.

To be honest I'm kind of tired of how many times I visited this stupid place in just a week or so. I mean I don't particularly hate hospitals but I don't enjoy being here either. And every time I come here it just reminds me of how my mother wanted to get rid of me and how she actually managed to get rid of my twin sibling.

When the doctors finally let me go I wanted to go back to Andrew but my phone started ringing. It was Lucy.

"Where the hell are you?" She almost screamed through the phone.

"I'm at the hospital with Andrew." I answered as calmly as I could.

"What in the hell are you doing with that bastard? I told you to stay away from him. Just wait for me there and I'll sneak you out." Lucy started lecturing me.

"He's not that bad. He's actually the one who got me out of jail so I can't just run away from him, it would be rude. Besides if I do anything that angers him he might just reveal my secret to everyone in town and that's the last thing I need right now."

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