63 - Encounter

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When I went to the bathroom to wash my face I got a chance to take a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror but the person who was staring at me from the other side seemed like a stranger to me. I had no idea who he was or what he wanted. He looked like me but he wasn't me.

I was lost...

Why? Because I felt so heartbroken but it wasn't a partner who broke my heart, it was my parents. It would have been so much easier if my significant other was the reason of my despair. In that case it would be possible to move on because I would be able to break up with them and find someone else.

But I can't replace my parents no matter what I do. I'm stuck with whatever I got.

I'm not even sure why I'm ranting about this. It doesn't even matter how hard I try to convince them. I guess some people will never change.

Maybe that's for the best though. When I was in my grandma's town I still had a slight glimpse of hope that someday I would be able to resolve our conflict and have a civilized relationship with my parents. Now that hope is gone. I won't feel bad because of them anymore.

I tried... I gave them a chance... What else can I do?

I'm sick and tired of feeling so hopeless all the time. Starting today I will never be so weak anymore! I won't let anyone who is unworthy get close to my heart ever again.

I end up getting hurt in the end because of them but they don't even care. From now on neither will I!

I dried my hands once I was done looking at myself in the mirror and left the bathroom. Once I closed the door I started walking towards the waiting room but I immediately stopped and froze on the spot when I saw a familiar boy standing in front of me.

My hands started shaking but I didn't move. After what I had just told myself a few seconds ago I couldn't back out no matter how scared I was.

"Didn't I make it clear that you couldn't come back here anymore? I'll try to be more specific now..." My cousin Dylan spoke up when our eyes met.

He came close to me without breaking the eye contact and forcefully tried to drag me outside. I quickly got rid of his hand from my arm and just followed him without making a fuss because I also wanted to talk to him about something. I knew it might have been quite reckless of me to willfully go with him when he was practically luring me in his trap but I was too angry to think straight.

My cousin suddenly grabbed onto my shirt near my neck to intimidate me once we were already out of the hospital building.

"Don't touch me, you might turn gay..." I made a sarcastic comment before chuckling wickedly which made Dylan quite uncomfortable. "Boo!" I opened my eyes wider to frighten him even more and he actually backed away.

"Ugh..." He growled with fury and took a defensive posture. "How dare you talk nonsense..."

"How unpleasant..." I talked to myself but it was loud enough so he could also hear it. "What do you even want? I'm only here to see my father. This doesn't concern you. I'll leave as soon as I can. Don't worry, I'm not all that excited about our encounter either."

"I just don't like the fact that I might be associated with a fag..." Dylan grumbled, I suppose because he wanted to hurt me. Little did he know his words meant nothing to me ever since that day he threw our friendship away.

"Well I don't like the fact that my cousin is a fucking moron... I guess we'll both have to deal with it somehow." I tried to sound unbothered.

"Listen to me, dumbass, if I ever see your face again..." Dylan started ranting but I was so done with him that I had to cut him off or I would've probably fallen asleep.

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