Author's Note

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Hi, everyone. I decided to write this since I've been getting a few questions like - where's Andrew? What happened to him and etc.

To answer your questions - Andrew's fine. There's nothing wrong with him.
I just chose not to focus on him because I don't believe that romantic love is the big culmination  of life. I think It can definitely be a pretty big part of it but to me making it the end of the story seemed counter productive.  

To some that may sound bitter sweet but I don't share that opinion. I felt that it was also important to show other sides of Jesse's life.  

People put so much importance to romance that they think there's this one person who's going to complete them and be everything they need. But that's just not true.

One person isn't going to be able to satisfy your every need because that's simply impossible. It doesn't matter if that person is your soulmate or whatever. That's just not how humans work.

Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones. You need more than one person to love and appreciate you. You're going to be unsatisfied if you're looking for just one person to be everything you need because they're not going to be able to fulfill you.

His mother's love was what Jesse was missing throughout most of his life. Andrew wouldn't be able to fill that void because he's not Jesse's mom.

With this ending I wanted to show that love isn't magically going to solve your every problem or fix your relationship with your family.

Romance is a moment of life. Not the ending. Your life isn't going to stop after you fall in love.

You need more than just one person's love to be happy and Jesse needed his mom.

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading. I know this book may not have the traditional cheesy romantic ending with a kiss and some of you may not like that but I felt that if I ended it like that it would defeat the whole purpose and the message I was trying to send with this book - which is self love.

When I first started writing this story there were a few endings I had planned in my mind but I chose this one because it felt more personal and meaningful rather than just ending it like all the other cheesy love stories (not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Anyways thank you so much for reading. Your feedback will always be appreciated.

Have a lovely day and don't forget to respect and love yourself. ❤

Sincerely, Author.

P.S - I've recently begun uploading chapters on "Episode" app. If you're interested in seeing the characters come to life and be more involved in the story you can check that out.   

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