40 - Unexpected Visitor

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"You keep saying that like I know what it means..." I sighed and tried to escape from the red haired girl who was practically obsessed with me.

I'm not even exaggerating at this point. This girl had some serious mental issues or something.

She not only ruined my entire lunch which wasn't great to begin with but now was also trying to ruin my afternoon too. The school was over and all I wanted was to go home and relax but this girl was starting to get on my nerves and I wasn't having any of it.

"It means that you'll be famous and have the power to change something in this world. Don't you want your children to have a better future?" Tiffany tried to convince me. "You already have so many supporters. Are you seriously going to disappoint them?"

I never thought I'd have children to be honest. Not because I hated kids or anything but to be frank I did think that babies could be really annoying sometimes.

"Supporters... ha?" I almost started laughing and I probably would have if I wasn't really angry. "These strangers from the internet aren't my supporters. Open your eyes, Tiffany, these people only care about their image. They wouldn't even move a finger if they were with me on that horrible night. They would just sit in the audience quietly and do nothing or film it from afar because that's the only thing people are good at these days apparently. No one cares about others, it's just how life works. So if you want to ruin your own life fighting against injustice then go ahead and do that but I will not let you drag me down with you too. Not to mention that your plan is absolutely ridiculous and it makes no sense at all."

"It's not fair..." Redhead replied but she knew what I was saying wasn't far from truth.

"The world isn't fair." I admired Tiffany's courage but I was definitely not the right person to help her. "I had to move out of my hometown and leave my friends behind. I've already sacrificed so many things that are important to me. I can't handle another fiasco. I'm sorry, Tiffany, but I can't throw away my life just because some strange girl wants to change the world with a ridiculously stupid plan."

"But... someone has to do something." She tried to be more encouraging but at this point I already knew she wasn't going to be able to change my mind. "If we won't do something then who will? We are the future of this world and if we're not active enough then everything's going to stay the same as always. If we won't set a good example to all those little boys and girls they'll think that they're monsters because of how different they are and they might even end up..."

Tiffany wasn't able to finish the sentence. I soon realized how painful this subject was for her even though for some reason she wasn't telling me why she cared so much about people like me.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you..." I might have been a little bit selfish but I couldn't risk my future ever again. "...When we first met you said that you wouldn't reveal my secret if I didn't agree to help you. Does your promise still stand?"

Tiffany nodded but her facial expression became even sadder than before. "Yes. I won't get involved in your life if you don't want me to..."

Connor who was listening to our whole conversation approached Tiffany and put his hand on her shoulder. "C'mon, Tiffany, you don't need his help. You can do it on your own."

"Shut up, Connor!" Tiffany suddenly snapped and started yelling. "No one asked for your opinion. Why won't you just go back to being miserable and pathetic loser you always were?"

Her words came as a surprise for me and even Connor himself was shocked from Tiffany's obvious aggression. He stormed out without saying anything and from what I could tell, started crying.

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