19 - The Beginning of My Downfall

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"Are you serious? After all of that you're still lying?"

"I'm not lying. Please, you have to believe me, I just didn't know how to tell you guys about it." I tried to convince my friends Lucy and Felicity but it didn't seem like they wanted to listen to a word I said. Lucy was especially frustrated but I could also tell Felicity wasn't too happy with this turn of events either.

"Oh, is that so?" Lucy's eyes widened from shock and anger. She folded her arms against her chest and continued lecturing me. "But you somehow still found a way to tell Andrew Wilson about how your mom got an abortion? I mean, why in the world would you tell that jerk about that kind of stuff and not us? Since when are you two so close?"

I quickly blinked to devour all the questions Lucy was throwing at me. For a few moments I was trying to adjust the situation and analyze it but my attempt didn't succeed since I had no idea how to answer her. "We're not... I mean, we do spend a lot of time together but it's not like that, trust me. I wanted to tell you guys too, I really did, I just couldn't. I don't know why but, for some reason I felt safe by his side for a second and I just told him about everything."

"Are you kidding me?" Lucy got even angrier from the words that just came out of my mouth. "That jerk is nothing but a lying and manipulating piece of human waste, okay? He's not worth it. You can't trust people like him. You two are from two different kinds of worlds. He's popular and outgoing, you're shy and nerdy. I knew I should've never let you two spend this much time together. He already knew about one of your biggest secrets and you just told him another one without even thinking twice. Are you out of your damn mind?"

I couldn't deny that there was some truth in what Lucy was saying. Even though I didn't want to believe it, she had some valid points. I had no reason for trusting Andrew, actually it was stupid from me that I did such an immature thing. I knew I had to be very careful but somehow I still felt like I could be honest with him. Who knows, maybe I'm the crazy one for thinking that. "Don't say that, he's not like that. He's a nice person. He helped me a lot when I was depressed. I know, this might sound insane but I don't think he's as bad as we originally thought."

"He's a complete piece of shit and if you think otherwise you're just fooling yourself." Lucy completely ignored what I just said and continued insulting Andrew. "Why in the world would you trust him? He's done nothing except blackmailing you. Is that really the kind of person you want to be friends with?"

"I can decide who I'll be friends with on my own just fine. I don't need you invading into my life." I got a little angry at Lucy. Not that I hated her or anything, I just really didn't like how she thought that she could tell me what to do or what not to do. I can do whatever I want, I'm an adult, and I don't need anyone giving me orders about my lifestyle. "Why don't you take care of your own business and stay out of mine, okay?"

I instantly regretted my choice of words but unfortunately there was no way I could take them back. Even Felicity, who didn't try to interfere into our fight at first, stood there, shaking her head in denial, practically telling me that I did something wrong. I already knew that but I definitely wasn't planning on backing out. I was quite stubborn and even though I knew soon I'd regret everything I still decided not to apologize.

"Ugh, you're such a hypocrite." Lucy finally said something. She was clearly hurt from what I told her but she tried not to show her true emotions. "You got mad at me and didn't speak to me for days just because I left you at the party one time and now you're telling me to stay away from you? Fine if that's what you want, I'll gladly do so. At least now I won't have to worry about your problems. You know what, screw you! And that stupid Andrew too. He's the one who you should be yelling at, not me!"

"Stop telling me what to do okay." I answered. "I can manage my own life just fine without anyone. So what if I'm making a mistake. Am I not allowed to? Mistakes are part of everyone and you can't just avoid them. It's none of your concern if I'll be with Andrew or someone else. I don't need a babysitter and even if I did, you'd be the last person I'd like to have that job."

Lucy's face changed once she heard what I said. Before she was trying to cover up the fact that she felt hurt but now I could almost see the tears in her eyes. She blinked twice to stop them from leaving her eyeballs and quickly diverted her attention back to me. "Okay, if that's how you want to play then..." She clenched her fists from anger. "Do whatever you like, what do I care. But remember one thing, he's not someone you can trust and sooner you realize that better. I just didn't want you to get hurt but now I don't even care about that. It's fine if you don't want to listen to me, the time will show you everything and when that happens you'll see just how blind you were. I'll still be here, waiting for you, just as I promised long time ago. So you can come back whenever you need me. I tried to protect you but you refused so now you can do whatever you want. You know that I only wish best for you, because that's what real friend do. They don't blackmail you or manipulate with you. They're just here for you when you need them most. I hope you'll soon realize who your true friends are."

Lucy grabbed Felicity's hand afterwards and started walking the other way. "C'mon, let's go... He doesn't need us anymore."

Felicity tried to stop her but once she looked at Lucy's face she realized that she needed her more than me. She stopped resisting and let Lucy take her far, far away from me.

I reached out with my hand and tried calling for them but no words came out of my mouth. I hated myself for how things turned out between us but for some reason I still couldn't or wouldn't say I was sorry. Why? I don't know, maybe because I didn't deserve their forgiveness, or because I thought they'd be better off without me.

Either way, I just stood there like a rock for I don't even know how long. I sighed and tried to rationalize everything. It was no use, I couldn't rationalize something so stupid. Why did I fight with my best friends? For Andrew? But did he deserve all this? Probably not, but deep down in my heart for a split second I felt like I didn't make a mistake when I protected Andrew. Though my methods were definitely not so civil, the fact that he helped me get over some of my traumas still remained.

I shouldn't have said what I said to my friends but they were being a little nosy and it was irritating. I'm sure once we all cool down a little bit everything will go back to the way they were before this stupid arguing situation.

I'm sure when they calm down they'll see just how great Andrew really is. They're just misunderstanding, but it's okay, they'll soon realize their mistakes and then everyone will get along.

Or at least, I hope that's what'll happen.


Okay, so you might be wondering how in the world Lucy found out about Jesse's twin. Well, she heard Andrew and Jesse talking about it in school and that's why they fought. I was originally going to start with that scene but it just didn't feel right and it was really awkward and short so I cut it out entirely. I'm just clarifying this so there won't be any confusion.

On the other hand, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I know, it might be weird but I feel like I'm way better at writing this sort of fight scenes than more normal ones.

Anyhow, I hope you liked this one and thank you for spending your time reading this story.

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