24 - Hotel of Misfortune

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I got woken up by a strange sound at night. When I opened up my eyes I couldn't really see anything since it was so dark but weird noises from outside the room were getting even louder.

I got scared thinking that there was a burglar in the house or something so I silently got up from my bed and went to Andrew's bed to wake him up.

"Andrew," I whispered. "Wake up."

There was no answer and I thought that was because he was in a deep sleep but when I touched the sheets on the bed they were completely straight, as if no one even slept on them.

I reached out for my phone and pressed the home button. The light from my phone's screen slightly lit up the room and soon I was able to see that I was the only person in there.

But where did Andrew go?

Then I realized that he might have heard the noises from outside before me or maybe they were coming from Andrew himself.

Probably he just went to get some water or something. I'll go and check out what's going on.

I went to the door and opened it but I tried to be as quiet as I could, just in case. I saw that the light was coming from the living room so I went there. When I went inside there was no mess that indicated that there might have been a robbery so I assumed that it must have been Andrew who made those noises. But the room was empty so I looked around to see where he was. My attempt of searching Andrew wasn't successful but I did find something that was much scarier.

There was a revolver on the table. It looked exactly like the revolver Andrew used when that strange lady who claimed to be his father's employee was pointing her gun at me. Shivers ran through my spine but before I was able to move or do anything the door in front of me opened.

Andrew took a few steps forward but he didn't realize I was standing there probably because he didn't look in my way. His full attention was diverted towards the revolver. He put a bag on the table for a moment and grabbed his phone and started typing something.

"What are you doing?" I asked once he finished what he was doing.

He quickly turned around looking slightly terrified and shocked but once he realized it was me he calmed down. "Why are you up so late?"

"I could ask the same question." I answered with a slight confusion in my voice. "You're the one who woke me up with some strange noises. Oh, by the way, what the hell were you going to do with that revolver?"

Andrew rolled his eyes and sighed. I guess he wasn't feeling like explaining himself. "I don't have time for this. Just go back to bed."

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere. Not unless you explain where you're planning to go." I folded my arms, impatiently waiting for his response.

"Ugh, it's about Kristen." He finally gave up. "Sara texted me that she received a strange call from her and she's worried that Kristen might do something stupid."

"Who the heck is Sara?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Um, she's that lady who was pointing the gun at you behind the theater building." Andrew replied emotionless.

"What? When did you manage to exchange your phone numbers? Or when did you become such a close friends?"

I couldn't believe that Andrew was going to see that wretched whore. And why the hell is he trusting her? That's just stupid if you ask me.

"We're not friends." He turned around and picked up the revolver and the bag from the table. "That's why I'm bringing this with me if anything goes wrong."

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