51 - Knucklehead

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"So... when did you dye your hair?"

"Oh... this?" I awkwardly touched the top of my head. "Well... actually I didn't. My grandma was the one who..."

The door suddenly opened before I was able to finish what I was saying and Andrew and I looked towards it to see who came inside the house.

We saw Andrew's sister's furious facial expression. She looked so mad and she had her eyes on her brother so I slowly took a step away from him. I wasn't sure why but I felt like something messy was going to happen in here and I didn't want to get caught in the middle of it.

"Andy! Are you hurt? Please tell me that you're okay!" Sofia started talking when she got closer to Andrew.

"Of course I'm okay. I already told you that on the phone." He answered looking kind of shameful.

"Then what were you thinking, knucklehead? Explain yourself! What the hell happened?" I could tell Sofia was feeling very conflicted. She looked like she wanted to punch Andrew in the face but instead she hugged him very warmly.

"Relax... I wasn't actually trying to kill myself." He tried to calm his sister who still seemed super anxious. "I wanted to make mom and dad worried so they'd give me Jesse's address. That's why I wrote that stupid letter. You were never meant to find out..."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sofia was clearly not happy. "I found out his number in five minutes... Ugh, you're such an idiot. Maybe instead of his address you should have gotten yourself a few more brain cells, because that is definitely something you need. I'm still not sure how my brother turned out to be such an imbecile."

"You know you love me!" Andrew showed his smug little smile.

"Don't even dream about it!" Sofia answered angrily and rose her hand to roughly hit her brother on the shoulder. She then reached out to his ear and pulled it very violently.

"Ouch... Ouch... Ouch..." Andrew cried out like a delinquent child who was being schooled for his actions. "It hurts! Stop... my ear's gonna fall off!"

"You never listen anyways so it won't affect you at all!" Sofia smirked and finally let go of poor Andrew's ear which looked terrifyingly red. Seriously, I was scared that blood was going to pour out of it anytime soon. But thankfully that didn't happen.

While Sofia was trying to murder her own brother Tiffany came inside and stood beside me.

"So this is your boyfriend?" She whispered in my ear without getting the two siblings' attention. "No wonder you wanted to get here quickly. He's quite a catch if I say so myself..."

"What? No... He's not my boyfriend!" I answered as quietly as I could but it still kind of sounded a little passive aggressive.

My cheeks became rosy all of a sudden and I tried to hide it from Tiffany because I was afraid she would make a fuss about something that wasn't actually a big deal at all. Thankfully she didn't have time to react to my strange behavior because her phone started ringing and she excused herself to answer the call.

But in a few seconds she came back and asked me to go into the other room with her.

"What's going on?" I asked once I got closer to her.

"It's your grandmother. She said she couldn't reach you on your phone..." Tiffany answered while holding her mobile face down on her chest.

"Oh... shoot! I completely forgot to speak to her." I complained with a sigh.

"She didn't sound particularly joyful..." Tiffany replied and gave me her phone before exiting the room. "I'll give you some privacy."

"Hey, grandma!" I gulped and finally spoke up. "How's your trip going?"

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