53 - Love Makes You Crazy

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"So... what were you doing yesterday?"

"Oh... I just visited my old friend's family and then came back home to study. What about you?"

"Nothing special to be honest. I was mostly working out and then I played video games..."

I was walking towards the school when Andrew called. He actually told me that he tried to contact me yesterday too but I couldn't buy a new phone till the evening so he couldn't reach me.

It was not easy getting used to my new phone because it was quite larger than the previous one. My hands aren't very huge so I was constantly worried that I was going to drop it at some point. I actually didn't want to buy this phone. My first choice was a smaller one with much lower price but my grandma forced me to choose this one. Of course I couldn't afford that with my own money and I tried to resist her but she said that her grandson deserved everything best or something.

I still felt a little bad because of that. I didn't want to make her feel like she had to buy stuff for me. That's why I decided to ask her if she knew someplace where I could get a job so she wouldn't have to be the only one providing for us.

My grandma actually owned a bookshop which she opened after my grandpa passed away. She used the insurance money and invested it into that place. It was a pretty smart move if you ask me and she not only owned a bookshop but also a cafe near it.

So once I finally asked her about me getting a part-time job she categorically denied it at first but I was pretty persistent and she finally gave up and told me that I could help her with the bookshop during weekends. I was very excited about my new job if you can even call it that because I knew my grandma wouldn't overwork me or anything. She'd just give me the easiest job she could find but as long as I could at least be a tiny bit helpful I didn't mind.

"It's freezing in here..." I complained. "I'm afraid my nose is going to fall off."

"Why didn't you wear something warm?" Andrew replied with a soothing tone.

"I thought it wouldn't be cold anymore because the snow already melted but now it feels like it's even colder." I explained.

"Maybe you should go back and wear something warmer? I don't want you to get sick..." He added with a concerned voice.

"No, it's fine..." I stated but before I was able to finish what I was saying a car pulled over near me and the driver lowered the window so I could see who it was.

"Get in!" I heard Tiffany's sweet tone.

"Oh, Andrew, I gotta go, Tiffany's giving me a ride. Talk to you later!"

"Uh... okay, bye!" He sounded a little disappointed but he was still mostly cheerful.

Once I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket I opened the door of Tiffany's car to sit beside her. It was so warm inside that I immediately felt much better.

"Was that your 'not boyfriend' on the phone?" She asked once I closed the door.

"It was Andrew!" I neither agreed nor denied her statement.

"I knew it!" Tiffany started while wiggling her eyebrows which surprisingly didn't look very weird. "So everything's going alight, I'm guessing."

"Ugh... shut up!" I immediately felt very uncomfortable after seeing her strangely teasing facial expression so tried to change the subject. "Wait, what are you doing here? I didn't know you lived in this area."

Tiffany turned her eyes towards the road once the traffic light turned green. "I don't." She then finally answered. "They just opened a new coffee shop here so I decided to check it out."

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