1|When in New York

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   2:12 P.M
Manhattan, New York
September 1, 2018

Money. Some people have a lot of it, some people have a little bit of it, some people have absolutely nothing. Unfortunately due to the relentless fact that the economy will never be completely equal, it puts the less fortunate people at a disadvantage when it comes to everything.

I wish that I could say I'm part of the upper class men , but me currently sitting at my table crying over my bills says otherwise.

"Oh Apollo and Shasta, what am I going to do?" I ask my two Australian Shepherds while burying my face in my hands.

I've made it to the point in my life where everything feels like a downwards spiral and I've only been in college for one week. I have been getting used to living in an apartment, but it's nothing compared to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. I wish I was still at home with my parents, but they always told me to follow my dreams. But what if your dreams lead you into being thousands of dollars in debt?

My happiness has became going to Central Park and feeding the birds, which I'm almost certain is illegal. Having Central Park right outside my apartment has been incredibly convenient considering I have dogs. However, living here is just too much money and finding a job is becoming impossible.

All this stress has made me want coffee from a local coffee shop by my building.

"I'm sorry puppies, you can't come with me," I pet them on the head.

I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I'll look presentable among all the other pedestrians. My naturally brown curly hair for once doesn't look extremely frizzy, and my soft green-blue eyes are swoon worthy.

"Or so I shall think." I say out loud before exiting my apartment.

Being that I do live on the eleventh floor of my apartment building, the logical thing to do would be to take the elevators. I however, am petrified of elevators. As a result , the stairs it is.

    After leaving my building, I weave in and out of tourist to get to the coffee shop.

"Harper! Always a pleasure seeing you," the owner, Stefano, greets me.

"Hello Stefano! I'll just have a normal house iced coffee," I tell him while reaching in my wallet and pulling out my debit card, or should I say my debt card. I'm internally dying and I can still crack a joke.

He hands me my coffee, I then begin walking back home down the sidewalk. A man wearing a beret with a camera in his hand rudely shoves me from behind.

"You mother fu-" Before I can finish my sentence I run into the chest of another person, spilling my iced coffee all over him.

I look up and see a very angry, yet attractive, man in a now drenched business suit.

"Sir I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me, how can I make this up to you?" I ask frantically knowing that I don't have anything to spare.

"This suit cost $15,000 and you just ruined it!" He shouts while people continue to pass around us.

Why would he even buy a suit that expensive? That's just ridiculous on his part.

"I'm so sorry, what can I do, I'll do anything I can, please," I beg him, in hopes he won't make me pay for it. Because frankly the fifty three cents in my pocket won't buy him a new suit.

"Anything?" He asks.

"Uhhh, yes?" I respond.

"Congratulations, you are now my three year old daughter's nanny," he gives me a smile, which is 110% fake.

"Are you serious?" I question.

"No, I'm Connor Humphrey. But yes, you are my daughter's new nanny," he responds.

   He doesn't even know me, how can he trust me already? I just proved my inability to pay attention to where I'm going, what makes him think I am capable of caring for a child?

"I can't," I shake my head, how will I be able to attend school? Who even is he?

   "Or you can pay me $15,000," he gives me a second option.

   "Hi, my name's Harper and I'm your new nanny," I extend my hand for him to shake, which he doesn't. I quickly pull my hand away.

   "Part of being a nanny means you must live at my house," he reminds me.

Very sketchy.

   "I watched the television show Jessie, I know what a nanny is," I scoff.

   "Where do you live?" He asks.

   "That apartment building," I answer while pointing at the huge building beside us.

   "Great, that means you have no furniture, pack everything and be ready in thirty minutes. I will be in the lobby," He orders.

   How does he know the rooms came pre furnished?

   "I already payed for this months rent." I cross my arms, angry that I payed over $1,000 today and it was all for nothing.

   "Unfortunate for you. Now go return your keys," I sadly nod while walking into my apartment building.

   "Rocco, I have to move out," I say while walking up to the front desk.

   "What? Why!?" He asks.

   "It's a long story. Please just do whatever it takes to remove me from the list of apartment owners," I sigh.

   "Fill this out please," He hands me a few papers with basic questions that I quickly fill out and rush up to my room, and no, I didn't take the elevator.

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