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September 27, 2018
New York City, New York

   In the news article I wrote about "Bonjour Amour" I didn't put much of my opinion. I basically wrote about what the company does. I felt very shocked after finding out that most of my fellow classmates interviewed extremely small businesses, while I on the other hand interviewed a millionaire. But then again, I'm in a relationship with a millionaire too.

   "Miss Aspen, who did you write your article over?" My professor asks.

   "William Addington," I nervously respond.

   "William Addington? How on Earth did you manage to land a meeting with him?" His jaw is dropped.

   "I'm not sure, sir," I shrug before returning to my seat.

   After all my classes are concluded, I leave the campus to find Juliette, but, am stopped by a person photographing me.

   "What the hell are you doing? Quit," I tell the stranger with the big camera.

   "You're Connor Humphrey's girlfriend! How does it feel?" He puts a microphone up to my mouth.

"Leave me alone!" I shout before running off.

I get in the passenger side of Juliette's car, out of breath.

"Did you have your first encounter with paparazzi?" She laughs.

"I don't understand, I haven't told anyone about our relationship, plus why do they care?" I confusedly ask.

She places a magazine on my lap, sure enough on the cover is Connor, Olivia, and I walking into his business meeting last night.

"Connor Humphrey and Mysterious New Girlfriend Spotted at Business Dinner"

"New York City's Hottest Couple Of 2018"

"This is ridiculous, why would someone do this?" I squint at the picture.

"Okay now hypocrite, this is all journalism, and you just left college from your classes, where you learn about how to be a journalist!" She makes a fair point.

"What's the big deal about Connor Humphrey?" I sit the magazine back on the consul.

"What do you mean what's the big deal? He's the richest person in New York City. People would die for a chance to date him," she responds as if it were the craziest thing in the world.

"Well maybe they should have spilled coffee on him that day," I say and she laughs.

Juliette picks Olivia up from preschool before dropping us off at the house.

  "I have homework, can you believe this?" Olivia asks while chucking her book bag on the ground.

   "What kind of homework?" I ask while picking up her book bag.

   "Identifying shapes! What is this, prison?" I can't help but laugh.

   "How about this, I'll help you with your homework," I offer, she nods while following me into the kitchen.

   I open her folder and lay out the worksheet filled with many different shapes

   "Alright, what is this one?" I ask while pointing at a circle.

  "A square," she responds, I scrunch my face up in response.

   "No, I'm not stupid, it's a circle," she adds.

   "You are the one who agreed to my help, don't get sassy with me," I could probably scold her one hundred times for being sassy and she would still continue to do it anyway.

   We continue to work on the worksheet until it is eventually completed.

   "Good job Olivia, you got them all right!" I hold my hand up for her to high five.

   "What are you doing?" She asks.

   "Trying to high five you," I explain.

   "High five?" She keeps her hands to herself.

   "Okay, right, we'll work on that," I awkwardly pull my hand back.

   A few hours later Connor comes home. We share a short kiss before talking.

   "Where's Olivia? I need her for something," He questions me.

   "In her room. What do you need her for?" I ask.

   "It's a secret," he responds and I cross my arms.

   He winks at me before walking up the stairs to get Olivia.

   "We'll be back soon," he waves before closing the door behind him.

   They don't return until 9:00 P.M, but by that time I'm already in bed getting ready to go to sleep.

   "Where did you guys go?" I ask Connor after he is done showering.

   "It's a surprise," he tells me while getting in bed.

   "Why is everything always a surprise with you?" I golly my eyes.

   "Because surprises are fun!" He shakes me in the bed.

   "Yeah, but the wait isn't fun," I groan.

   "Just go to sleep," He shushes me.

   "Okay fine, goodnight," I sigh.

   "Goodnight, love," he responds.

   I close my eyes for the next five minutes, but can't fall asleep.

   "Can I have my surprise yet?" I ask.

   "Harper, go to sleep," he says sternly.

   "Why should I?" I fire back.

   "Maybe you'll have a good dream," he whispers.

   "My reality is better than my dreams," I whisper back.

When Rich Meets Poorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن