
7.2K 309 33

New York City, New York
September 11, 2018

   After a day of college filled with remembrance and grief for our brave heroes lost in the 9/11 attack, I came home to Olivia begging to know why she can't play with Maria or Chloe anymore.

   "Harper please, why can't we play with them?" She cries.

"Olivia, I don't know. I really don't," I tell her truthfully.

"I know you're lying, please just tell me!" She begins shouting.

"Olivia, I promise you, I don't know," I try to remain calm.

"Just leave me alone, don't talk to me!" She shouts before storming to her room.

For three years old she has quite the attitude.

I sigh before heading down stairs to sit on the couch. I sit in silence until Connor opens the front door.

"Where's Olivia?" He asks, but I don't respond.

"Where's Olivia?" He repeats in a harsher tone.

"In her room, being mad at me because she thinks it's my fault she can't be friends with Chloe and Maria anymore. Mine!!!" I begin to breakdown.

"Harper you wouldn't understand," he runs his hand through his hair while standing in front of me.

"Just tell me! If I don't understand, that's on me," I beg for an explanation. He sighs before sitting down next to me.

   "Courtney and my wife, Envie, used to be best friends," he begins explaining, but, pauses briefly.

   "Courtney always was jealous of Envie and I. I don't get how Envie never noticed. Courtney would always be over at our house, it made me uncomfortable, but, I never told Envie. One night Courtney pushed herself onto me and tried to kiss me. I tried to push her away. My wife walked in just as it was happening. She ran out of the house and drove away before I could stop her. That night on the road she was hit by a drunk driver and killed on impact," he sighs.

   "Connor, I'm so sorry," I squeeze his hand tightly.

   "Me too," he responds before standing up.

   "I'll go talk to Olivia," I watch as he slowly moves up the staircase, leaving me at a loss for words on the couch.

  Envie. His wife's name was Envie. That's the same name of that girl I met at college yesterday! Now that I think of it, that girl looked a lot like the one in the pictures Connor has throughout the house. But she gave me her number? This must just be a coincidence. I pull out my phone and call the number Envie gave me.

   "Come on, come on," I whisper while waiting.

   " We are sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again," a robotic voice says.

   I slowly pull the phone away from my ear before hitting end call.

   I click call again, that must have just been a mistake. I probably clicked on a wrong number when dialing.

   The same message is repeated by the robotic voice...

   Connor came back down the staircase minutes later, carrying Olivia.

   "We're going to a firework show later tonight for a 9/11 tribute," Connor tells me before taking Olivia in the kitchen.

   I tried to respond, but no words came out. I have never been this confused in my whole life...

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