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New York City, New York
September 13, 2018

Last night with Connor was so close to being perfect, until Olivia came in and claimed she couldn't sleep. She then begged Connor to stay in her room with her. I went back to my room and selfishly sat with arms crossed, being mad until I unintentionally fell asleep.

I woke up at my usual time to get ready for college, however I skipped breakfast and head straight to school, giving me extra time to get there. After a few minutes of running I decided it would be fine if I just walked the remaining way there.

"Do you have any money to spare, please?" What I assume is an old homeless lady asks me on the sidewalk.

I don't really have any money to spare, but, I pull out my wallet and hand her the last five dollars in cash I had.

"Thank you so much, God bless you," she smiles at me and I smile in return.

I know I needed that money, but, it felt nice to help someone else out.

Eventually the hours pass and I am free from college for the weekend. I run back to Connor's house, not wanting to be late.

Upon arrival I unlock the front door and am met by a very, very angry looking Connor.

"Where the hell were you?!" He shouts.

Busted. I knew this would happen, I would be stupid to think I could keep this up all four years of college or even the four months I was required to stay here. Olivia would begin waking up earlier to go to school. There is just so many factors that wouldn't have allowed me to keep up with this scandal.

"No where," I lie.

"Why do you have a book bag on?" He asks.

"Uh I was just," I stutter and his actions cut me off.

He walks closer to me, ripping the bag off my back.

"You're a college student," he growls.

"Connor you have to let me explain," I plead, even though I don't truly have a good explanation.

"I trusted you with my daughter, and this is what you've been doing? Leaving her home by herself? She's three for Christ's sake! Three! You must not have a brain if you think that is even remotely okay!" He is extremely angry, I am terrified.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I have no words that could fix this situation. I'm screwed. There is not even a word in the English alphabet to describe how screwed I am at this very moment in time.

"Pack everything and just get the hell out!" He shouts before storming off, with my back pack still in his hands.

I run up the stairs as quickly as I can, putting everything I can into bags as fast as possible. I put Shasta and Aristaeus on a leash before bolting down the staircase to the front door.

"Harper, where are you going?" I hear a quiet voice ask from behind me.

"Olivia," I say in shock.

"I have to go Olivia, I'm so sorry," I lean down to her level.

Tears begin to form in her eyes.

"Don't cry baby, I'm no good for you," I sigh.

"Harper you can't leave, I need you," she cries harder.

"You were fine before I came into your life, you will be fine once I'm out of it too. Olivia you deserve a good nanny who will always be there for you and do everything they can to keep you safe. I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you. I'm just a stupid teenager, I've done more harm than good. It's time for me to go. I love you Olivia," I wipe her tears one more time before walking out the door.

Broken, alone, afraid, with no where to go. The fifty five degree weather is nothing compared to what will soon be below freezing temperatures. I could call my parents and they would gladly take me back in, but I can't do that to them. They put up with my annoying, idiotic, heartless, cruel, unwanted self for eighteen long years. Everyone on this Earth is better off without me.

I'm missing something. Connor and Olivia? Yes, but no. My heart, yes, but still no. My backpack filled all my writing journals, wallet, and bills! Connor took it! I can't go back, he doesn't want me there anymore.

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