
7.9K 327 45

New York City, New York
September 8, 2018

"Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey," the veterinarian says while sitting at a desk in front of us.

Mrs. Humphrey. She just referred to me as his wife. The thought of that sends chills down my spine.

"Apollo was hit hard enough to cause internal bleeding. In addition to that, nearly all of his bones are broken. As much as I hate to say this, he will not live. You have the option to let him die in pain, or put him to sleep," she sighs.

Connor looks at me and I'm at a loss for words.

"I think the right thing to do is euthanize him," Connor responds.

"That would be the best option. You're welcome to join us in the room to say your last goodbyes," she stands up from her desk and leads us to Apollo's room.

"We'll wait out here," Connor tells me while I walk into the room, shutting the door behind me.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," I break down while slowly petting him.

"This is all my fault," I continue to sob while saying my goodbye.

Eventually the veterinarian comes back in with Connor and Olivia. She prepares Apollo to be euthanized. As she sticks the needle into his skin, my heart drops.

But it was so peaceful. No pain.

"He will be cremated and his ashes will be available to pick up tomorrow evening," the veterinarian tells us.

The three of us head to the car. Neither one of them talks to me the whole way home, probably because they're unsure of how I will react.

"Olivia, go back to sleep," Connor directs her towards the stairs before coming back to me standing in living room.

He doesn't say a word, he just wraps his arms tightly around me while I cry into his shirt. He rubs small circles on my back.

   I'm not even sure how long we have been hugging at this point. Seconds, minutes, hours?

   I eventually let go of him and he releases me from his arms.

   He looks me in the eyes before pressing his lips to mine, passionately kissing me while lightly pushing me into the wall.

   "I'm sorry, I had to do that," he says before walking away.

   He leaves me feeling so many different emotions.

   I reluctantly head upstairs to shower and remove my pajamas that now have various blood stains.

   After showering, I join Shasta down on the couch. I don't know who is in more pain, me or her. The three of us have always been so close. I've had them since I was ten years old! We've been through so much together and I wasn't expecting to lose one of them this soon.

   As we're laying on the couch I get an alert sent to my phone.

   It's a copy of the billing for the hospital and ambulance trip from the other day. Three thousand seven hundred, eighty four dollars. Where am I even going to get an additional ten thousand dollars before October?

I cry myself to sleep on couch, uncertain of how anything in my life will play out. Unsure of how much longer I will be able to live like this. It's getting to the point where I don't want to be here anymore. Sometimes I think it would just be better off for everyone if I wasn't here.

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