29|Your Daughter, Harper

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September 21, 2018
Nashville, Tennessee

"I'm dating Connor Humphrey," I say into my mirror as I get ready for the day.

"I'm dating Connor Humphrey, I'm dating Connor Humphrey!"

The bathroom door opens.

"Ahhhh, Connor Humphrey!" I glance in the mirror to see my face is bright red.

   But, to my surprise, it was Olivia who opened the door, not Connor. I must have just scarred her for life.

   "What are you doing?" She asks.

   "Nothing, what are you doing? Invading my privacy? Yes," I answer my own question before shutting the door.

   "I'll tell daddy what you were doing if you don't open this door," Olivia is such a sly dog.

   I quickly swing the door open and pull her into the bathroom with me.

   "I'm dating Connor Humphrey," she mimics in the same voice Connor did yesterday.

   "I do not talk like that!" I shout while continuing to straighten my hair.

   "So what are we going to do today?" Olivia asks while sitting on the counter.

   "Well, I was hoping we could go to the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum," I explain.

   I hear my phone ringing in the bedroom, I swiftly rush out of the bedroom to see that it is in fact the hospital calling.

   "Hello?" I ask.

   "Hi, is this Harper Aspen?" A woman on the other line of the phone questions.

   "Yes," I respond.

   "Well, I have an update about your Mother's condition... We are still unsure if she will ever wake up, but in best case scenario it is possible she could wake up in a few years from a coma. We recommend that you go back to your everyday lifestyle and we'll handle it from here," not the news I was exactly hoping for.

    I thank the lady on the phone before hanging up.

   "Hey, who was that?" Connor asks while walking in the bedroom.

    "The hospital. They don't know if my Mom will ever wake up," my lip quivers as I try to hold back tears.

   "It will be okay Harper, you just have to stay positive," he pulls me into a hug.

   "Do you all ever take a break from touching each other?" Olivia's scoff from the other side of the room.

   We all laugh.

   "Is it it possible for us to catch a flight back to New York tomorrow?" I ask.

   "Of course, I'll go book our tickets now," Connor disappears, leaving me in the room with Olivia.

   "You really like him, don't you?" She whispers.

   "I do Olivia, I really do," I respond.

   "Good," she smiles her usual toothy grin.

   "Are you ready to go to the museum?" I change the subject.

   "I am, when are we going?" She asks.

   "Preferably now," I say while walking towards the door with Olivia following close behind.

   "I got the plane tickets, what did you want to do today?" Connor asks.

   "Really? That's was quick. I want to go to the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum," I answer.

   "Great, I suppose we can head over there now," he insist, I nod as we head out to the car.

    Upon arrival at the museum, we purchase our tickets. I pleaded that we not have to experience a guided tour because I wanted to surprise Olivia and Connor with my knowledge on music.

    "Look it's Garth Brooks!" I exclaim as we walk down a lighted hallway.

   "Harper, that's a statue," Connor corrects me.

   "Yes, a statue, of Garth Brooks," I throw my hands in the air.

   "Al Kooper!" I gasp while running to the other side of the museum.

    Connor and Olivia look at me strangely.

   The rest of the tour, led by yours truly, consists of me fan girling over old country singers while Olivia and Connor pretend they understand.

   "Can we see my Mom one last time before we go?" I ask Connor as we exit the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum.

    "Absolutely," he responds.

    After arriving at the hospital, I enter my Mom's room with a card I purchased from the gift shop. Olivia and Connor remain in the lobby.

   "Hey Mom, it's me, Harper. I wanted to see you one last time before I left for New York," I sit down down in the chair beside her bed to fill out the card, just in case she ever wakes up and I'm not there.

    "Dear Mom,

    "I can't believe it, you're awake! I've missed you more than words can describe. So much has happened since I've last talked to you. I have a boyfriend now, his name is Connor and he has a daughter named Olivia. Please call me as soon as you read this, I miss hearing your voice. I love you so much, Mom.

   Your Daughter,
Harper Aspen"

    I sign the card before sealing it in the envelope.

   "Just hang in there okay?" I squeeze her cold hand tightly.

   "I love you Mom, I'll see you soon," I place the card on a table beside her before heading out to lobby.

   In the lobby I see Connor playing with Olivia, she looks so much like her Mom.

   "Are you ready to go?" Connor asks.

   "As ready as I'll ever be," I shrug.

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