5|Pinky Promises

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Manhattan, New York
September 3, 2018

   "Let's go down stairs to find your daddy," I say while grabbing Olivia's hand.

   We walk down the marble stair case to find Connor waiting by the front door.

   "You look beautiful," he says making me blush.

   "Aw, thank you," I respond.

   "I was talking to Olivia," he corrects me. I awkwardly fake smile to hide my embarrassment.

   "Let's go, or we're going to be late," he changes the subject before heading out the door.

Olivia and I look at each other before following closely behind him.

"So, what did you and Harper do today?" Connor asks Olivia while getting in the driver's side of his car.

Oh no, she is going to tell him.

"We, uh. Played with the dogs," she responds

"Did you have a lot of fun?" He asks and gives me a "seriously" look.

"Yes! I love Miss Harper so much!" She exclaims.

   Connor gives me a surprised look and I give him an "I told you so" look.

"Thank you Olivia, I had fun today," I turn around to say to her.

The direction we are headed is going to take us back into the city. Within ten minutes we are back in Manhattan, surrounded by taxis and sky scrapers.

"We're here," Connor says as he pulls up to a huge building. I slowly get out while Connor retrieves Olivia from the back seat. Picking her up, not wanting to put her down on the ground.

I follow Connor up to the entrance where two men in suits are holding the doors open.

"Mr. Humphrey, it is always a pleasure to see you." One of them stares at Connor in awe. He is looking at him almost as if Connor was Justin Bieber. Or maybe Connor is the Justin Bieber of New York City, I don't know.

We enter a giant room covered in fancy tables with beautiful decor layed out.

"You all stay here while I get ready to go on stage," he tells us before rushing away.

On stage? What on Earth does he do?

A bald man takes the stage first as the lights dim and a spotlight is shun on him.

"Hello everyone, my name is Dominic Frances and thank you all for being here to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary Of Humphrey Enterprises, our job is to help the world build a better tomorrow. After being served, our CEO, Connor Humphrey will take the stage," the man says before leaving the stage.

What even is Humphrey Enterprises exactly? I quickly Google search the answer on my phone. Apparently they are one of the top companies in the Fashion industry in the whole wide world.

He has his own fashion company and he wanted to me to give him $15,000 for a suit? I should have broken my legs on those stairs and sued him.

   Soon people start coming from all directions, serving Olivia and I food. Chicken breast, mashed potatoes, biscuits, the whole nine yards.

  After roughy thirty minutes Connor takes the stage.

   "Good evening everyone, I am Connor Humphrey, the CEO of Humphrey Enterprises. Looking back on everything my great grandfather created, I can't help but be amazed of how this all started in a tiny garage in Minnesota. Please enjoy this slideshow of Humphrey Enterprises over the past one hundred years," a screen behind Connor begins showing pictures in black and white with captions.

   "John E. Humphrey, September 3, 1918 in Duluth, MN", the caption of a picture of a man in his garage read.

A few pictures were taken of his company slowly growing. The name was "Charles T. Humphrey who moved the company to West Virginia. After him was "Jeff A. Humphrey". He must be Connor's dad! Last but not least, Connor.

After a few more of Connor's wise words about the company and what it means to be a true entrepreneur, everyone is dismissed.

Olivia and I wait impatiently while Connor proceeds to talk to everyone who stayed behind. After we confirm it will be a while I lean down to Olivia's level.

"How about we go to that ice cream parlor down the block," I suggest, she nods her head. I pick her up, not wanting to leave her to walk with all the other crowds of people.

A short walk later, we enter the classical ice cream shop.

"What do you want Olivia?" I ask while walking her by all the flavors.

"I want a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone!" She shouts.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The worker greets us.

"Hi, I want two small mint chocolate chip ice cream cones," I decided to get the same thing as Olivia.

"$6.53 please," she says while I swipe my card.

Every time my card is used, it sends an alert to my phone, telling me how much was spent and what my balance is. I pull my phone out of my dress, keeping Olivia in arms.

"Negative $23,547" the statement reads.

I sigh.

"What's wrong Harper?" Olivia asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I assure her.

The lady holds out the ice cream cones out to us. I quickly put my phone away while grabbing my ice cream cone. Olivia takes hers before we head out of the building.

"It's good isn't it?" I ask and she nods.

"Harper?" Olivia says.

"Yes Olivia?" I ask.

"You're never leaving, right?" She asks me.

"Never," I reluctantly respond.

"Pinky promise?" She questions.

"Pinky promise," I smile at her.

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