28|Love is in the Air

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Nashville, Tennessee
September 20, 2018

After spending all morning with my Mom in the hospital, Connor insist we do something to take my mind off of everything.

"Where are we going?" I ask while staring out the window.

"It's a surprise," Connor responds.

"I hate surprises," I lie.

"We're going to do something you like to do," He nudges my shoulder with his hand.

"Impossible, I hate everything," I mumble.

"Impossible, I hate everything," he mimics me in a stupid voice.

"I don't talk like that," I hiss.

"I don't talk like that,"



"I'm going to kill you in your sleep,"

"I'm going to, wait what?" He says and all three of us laugh.

I try to use the scenery to make an inference as to where I think Connor is taking us. Currently there is just a lot of trees.

"I take you to my home town and you immediately try to kill me in the woods? Harsh," I dramatically place my hand on my heart.

"That probably would have been a better idea," he shrugs and I punch him in the arm.

"Olivia, do you know where we are going?" I ask while looking in the rear view mirror.

"My lips are sealed," she does a zipping motion with her hands.

"I thought we were friends, Olivia," I scoff.

"Yeah, you thought," Olivia never fails to respond with sass.

After twenty minutes on the road, Connor pulls into a gravel parking lot, I immediately realize where we are.

"Radnor Lake State Natural Area!" I exclaim.

"Oh Connor this used to be my favorite place growing up," I jump up and down in my seat.

"I know," he laughs.

"How did you know?" I question, I never told him about my families love for hiking.

"Well let's just say there is a picture of you hanging on the wall of you with braces standing in-front of the lake," oh no, I know exactly what picture he is talking about.

"The picture of me from seventh grade with braces and huge glasses?" My jaw drops.

"That's the one," he winks as I internally slam my face on a brick wall.

"It's kind of cold, are you sure you want to walk on the trails today?" I ask.

"Harper, I've lived in New York my whole life, this feels like heaven to me," he laughs while removing Olivia from her car seat.

I guess he is right, they do have some pretty intense winters in New York.

"I'm so excited," I jump around like a little kid as we approach the beginning of the trail.

"Olivia, if Harper is ever sad, just remember we can take her on a hiking trail to make her happy again," Connor whispers, but I hear it.

"Got it," she whispers back.

The three of us walk side by side on the path with Olivia in middle.

"Ahhhhh a bear!" Olivia shouts while pointing into the distance.

I've seen enough bears in Tennessee to know how to handle these situations and the first step is to stay calm.

"Where Olivia?" I ask.

"There!" She shouts while pointing at a tiny fury creature running up a tree branch.

"Olivia, that's a chipmunk," I let out a sigh of relief.

"What's the difference?" She sassily asks.

"A bear is about one thousand times larger," I explain, her eyes go wide.

"Look how beautiful the lake is," I point off into the distance as we stand in the viewing area.

"Harper," Connor says and I turn my body towards him.

"This is something I've been wanting to do from the day you spilled coffee on me," he begins but Olivia cuts him off.

"You're going to marry her?" Olivia gasps.

"Woah, woah slow down," he shushes Olivia.

"Hopefully someday I can be the lucky man to get down on one knee and ask for your hand in marriage, but until then, Harper will you be my girlfriend?" Connor asks and if it weren't for the fence next to me I would have just fallen into the water.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I shout while connecting our lips together.

"Ahhhhhh! Stop!!" Olivia begs while covering her eyes.

"I also got you this," he pulls out a diamond necklace from his pocket.

"Connor that necklace must have costed more than the state of Tennessee," I haven't even taken the necklace from his hands, I am still dumbfounded.

"Well, you are very special to me," he is too much for me.

"Why don't I get a necklace?" Olivia knocks me out of my day dreaming.

"I think I've invested enough into you over the years," he pulls her into his side.

I take the necklace from his hands, I've never had something this jaw dropping in my own two hands before.

"Connor are you sure you don't want to keep this for yourself?" I ask.

"I want you to have it Harper. There is no one else in the world I'd rather let have it," he places his hands on my face.

"Excuse me mister," Olivia stomps on Connor's foot.

"And you of course," he adds, making us all laugh.

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