23|Connor's P.O.V

7.6K 309 17

New York City, New York
September 16, 2018

    It's been three full days since I've seen Harper's face. Olivia hasn't talked to me since Thursday, the day I kicked Harper out. What Harper did was horribly wrong, and I had every right to kick her out, didn't I?

    Her backpack has sat in the corner of my room ever since Thursday, I haven't gone through it at all. It's so tempting to look through, just to see what she was learning about in school. Screw it. I pick the back pack up and sit down at my desk.

    The first stack of papers I pull out is all bills. She has printed emails of the credit card companies telling her that if she doesn't pay the bills by a certain time she will be sent to jail.

    The amount of debt she is in is crazy, why didn't she ever tell me about this? She must have been too embarrassed.

    I pull out a bunch of notebooks and begin to flip through them. It's all journalism and short stories, the one that catches my eye first is the one with my name in it. The title at the tops reads "What am I Most Thankful For?"

   "Misunderstood, unaccepted, and lost are three words that describe how I felt when I first came to New York City. Understood, accepted, and found are three words that describe how I feel now. All the butterflies I get in my stomach are caused by a boy named Connor, and all smiles in my world are caused by his daughter named Olivia," the first paragraph reads.

She cared about us enough to mention us in her college essay?

Maybe she was in the wrong for leaving Olivia at home by herself, but this paper proves that she did truly care about her.

I pull out my phone to call Harper, but she doesn't pick up. Where could she have gone? Back home to Tennessee?

I continue looking through her bag until I pull out her wallet.

If her wallet is here, that means she has nothing.

I quickly get on my feet before rushing to Olivia's room.

"Olivia, I know you hate me, but we've got to go find Harper," I pick her up off her bed.

"Harper?" She asks in a excited tone.

"Yes, Harper," I say while taking her outside and putting her in the back seat of my car.

I speed down the busy streets to the police station. I grab Olivia from the backseat before rushing inside the building.

I run up to the desk to a guy typing seriously at his computer.

"I need a phone traced," I say sternly.

"Well, that takes a very long time, please take a seat and I'll be with you in one second," the man says without even bothering to look up at me.

"I need a phone traced, now!" I shout.

This time the man looks up at me.

"Connor Humphrey, I apologize sir. Please tell me all the information about the phone," the look on his face is almost as if I had a gun to his head.

I tell him everything I know and he quickly types in the information. The location he gives me is a very sketchy place downtown where I do not want to bring Olivia.

"Olivia, I'm going to drop you off at my workplace , it's too dangerous for you," I explain while getting back in the car and driving to Humphrey Enterprises.

Upon arrival I rush her to the front desk.

"Chrissy, I need you to watch Olivia for a while, okay? Great, thanks!" I shout before running out of the building and using my GPS to track down the location.

The scenery is getting scarier, I can tell we're almost there. The location he gave me has no humans in sight.

I stop the car and get out, that's when I finally see the dogs on the sidewalk. Shasta is laying on something, Harper to be exact. Harper, is laying face first on the ground and Shasta is trying to keep her warm.

I rush over the them. Shasta growls at me as I try to get closer.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt her," I tell Shasta. She moves out of the way while I lean down to Harper.

She is still in the same clothes as she was on Thursday. Her body is freezing in the fifty degree weather. I flip her over to where she is on her back, dried blood covers her body from when she must have fallen.

I pick her up and lay her in the backseat of my car, putting Shasta in the front seat and Aristaeus on my lap.

I would take her to the hospital, but I know she would just be mad, instead I pick up Olivia and drive us all back home.

When Rich Meets PoorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora