3|Three Year Old Sass

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New York City, New York
September 2, 2018

I didn't leave my room last night to eat dinner, I was too busy thinking about what to do with my life. Today is Saturday, meaning I have two days to figure of what my magic plan is to continue going to school while still taking care of Olivia.

I take a shower before getting dressed for the day. After getting dressed I tiptoe down the stairs to the kitchen, not wanting to wake anyone.

"What are you doing?" I hear someone loudly ask from behind me, causing me to lose my balance on the stairs, falling forward down the remaining steps.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I soon realize that the person was Connor.

He sits on the ground next to me and flips me over. By this time I am balling my eyes out, due to excruciating pain throughout my whole body.

"I'm so sorry, I was trying to be funny," he whispers while pulling me into his arms.

   This Connor is extremely different from his mean usual self.

"Maybe this makes up for the suit?" I jokingly ask.

"Yes, of course. Do you need to go to the hospital? Are you okay?" He frantically asks.

"I'm okay," I respond while slowly getting up.

He quickly stands up.

Just as I'm about to take a step my legs give out and just before I hit the ground, Connor catches me.

   "You need to go to the hospital," he suggest.

   "I'm fine," I insist.

   "You don't look fine," he responds.

   "No Connor, I'm just ugly," I shrug and he gives me a glare.

   "Are you sure you're okay, you can walk?" He asks and I nod. He reluctantly walks away into a different room.

   I slowly stand up and begin to walk towards the kitchen using everything in my path as a support system. I hear the dogs running down the steps now, and they seem rather excited. Shasta and Apollo charge at me to play, knocking me into an expensive vase.

I swiftly grab the vase out of the air and flip to fall on my back to remain from shattering the vase. I hit the ground with a loud thump. Today is NOT my day.

Connor comes running out from a hallway. I groan out of pain.

"Harper, what the hell are you doing with that vase?" He asks.

"Well, you see, it jumped off the table and tackled me to the ground," I make up an unrealistic story.

"Harper," he says in an angry tone.

I slowly sit up and put the vase on the table before quickly getting up and limping away.

"We weren't done here!" He shouts from behind me and I turn around.

"Well I sure was," I shrug and his blue eyes turn cold.

He walks up to me and gets centimeters from my face.

"You will not disrespect me under my roof, got it?" He asks and I repeatedly nod.

I will disrespect him under someone else's roof, next time.

"Good," he says before walking away once again.

Once he is out of my plain sight I point at the dogs before saying,

"You little bastards."

After my chaotic incident this morning, I look around in the kitchen for something to eat. For such a busy guy, his kitchen is really organized. Everything is labeled. I look for a label that says "cereal" and soon stumble across one. Of course there is tons of different ones to choose from, but of course I have to go with the best cereal ever made, Lucky Charms.

After eating I play on my phone until 12:15 rolls around. I called my Mom to inform her on what happened. But I didn't mention the whole "I kind of have to leave her home by herself in the mornings on days I have school" , and surprisingly she didn't ask.

At 12:15, I walk up to Olivia's room where she is sitting up in her bed.

"Good afternoon,Olivia," I say while turning on her light.

"Good afternoon," she gives me a toothy grin.

I help her change into an outfit before taking her downstairs to eat.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask her.

"Daddy never lets me choose what I want to eat," she gasp.

"Well this can be our little secret, okay?" I whisper.

"Okay, I want Mac and Cheese," she whispers back and I nod.

I haven't made Macaroni and Cheese by myself in forever. I pull out a pot, then fill it with water. After ten minutes of the water boiling, I pour the noodles in. After the noodles are almost done but not completely,Olivia tells me she has to go to the bathroom.

"Can't you hold it for five more minutes while I wait for this to cook?" I ask, hoping she'll say yes.

"Would you like me to just wet my pants right here?" She crosses her arms and my eyes go wide. I just got told off by a three year old.

"Okay, but we've got to make this quick," I say while rushing her to the nearest bathroom.

I wait outside the door while she's in the bathroom.

"Olivia are you okay in there?" I ask after three minutes of impatiently waiting.

"It turns out I have to go number two as well," she responds and I face palm.

"Olivia if you don't hurry the macaroni will begin to burn and that will create smoke, then we'll set off the-," just before I can finish my sentence, I am cut off by a loud sound.

"Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep."

"Fire alarm," I sigh before running into the kitchen to shut it off.

I move the macaroni onto a different burner and turn the alarm off. Olivia comes slowly walking into the kitchen after the whole scenario is over.

"Welcome to the party," I say sarcastically.

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