27|Tough Decisions

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New York City, New York
September 19, 2018
3:25 A.M

  The howling of the wind outside hides the sound of my crying and sniffling. I never thought I would have to lose one of my parents this soon, and possibly even both. I slowly wiggle out of Connor's arms, not wanting to wake him.

He looks so peaceful when he is asleep. It's a little creepy of me to watch him sleep, I better stop now.

I walk into the kitchen to get a water bottle. After retrieving a water bottle from the kitchen, I move to the living room to stare out the window. The moon is giving off minimal light, meaning it is extremely dark outside.

As I stare out the window I feel a hand on my waist. Due to all the wind outside, I did not hear any footsteps. Who could it be, Connor and Olivia are asleep?

"Intruder!" I shout while turning around and tackling whoever touched my waist to the ground.

A light switch is turned on, revealing me on top of Connor.

"I always thought the next time we would be in a situation like this, I would be on top," he says in a sleepy voice.

"Connor! I want to push you off the Eiffel Tower," I growl.

I look up to see where Olivia was, she had to be the one to turn the light on.

"What are you guys doing?" She whispers.

"Well, your daddy thought it would be funny to sneak up on me," I scoff.

"Sneak up on you? I just wanted to make sure you were okay!" He hisses.

"Okay, well I'm going back to bed, so stop being weird," Olivia scolds us before returning to my bedroom where I am letting her sleep.

We both laugh.

"Is everything okay?" Connor asks in a now serious tone.

"I just miss my Dad and am worried about my Mom," I sigh.

He sits up from the floor.

"It'll be okay, I promise. Come back to bed?" He asks and I nod while both of us stand up before returning to the guest bedroom.

After ten minutes of laying in bed and I am almost certain he is asleep, I whisper,

"I love you Connor," before closing my eyes.

"I love you too, Harper," he responds and my eyes shoot back open. He seriously heard me?

Inside of me there is a depressed monster who is holding all my feelings, but right now that monster is doing a happy dance.

I close my eyes, falling asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

   I didn't set an alarm last night, I want to wake up on my own terms, big mistake. I turn to check the time on my phone and immediately my heart begins to race.

   "Connor it's 8:45 in the morning, quick, wake up!" I shake him furiously before jumping out of bed, running to wake Olivia up.

    "Olivia, wake up, we have somewhere to be this morning," I whisper while lightly shaking her.

    Connor is now on his feet as I quickly find something to change into before helping Olivia get changed too.

     "Come on!" I shout as we all run to the car.

    I type in the location of the funeral home on the GPS for Connor as he speeds down the roads.

   "Congratulations, you have reached your destination," the GPS says.

    I let out a sigh of relief, it's 9:00 on the dot.

    After entering the funeral home, I immediately get chills sent down my spine. Something about dead people just really gets to me.

   "Hi, you must be Harper?" A lady at a desk asks.

    "That's me," I respond while following her to a different room with a table and chairs.

    "This is Damien. He'll help you with the obituary and funeral planning, that is if you want to have a funeral," she explains.

     Both of my parents made me promise them that when they pass away, they want to be cremated and have no funeral. They always lived by the saying "nobody cares until you're dead", meaning they didn't want people who didn't truly care about them when they were alive to come to their funeral and act like they were there every step of their life.

   Damien asks me basic questions about our family and my Dad.

    "What did he like to do in his spare time?" Damien asks.

    "He loved going to museums," I answer.

    After about an hour of creating an obituary and discussing what to do with his body, Connor and I are free to go.

   Olivia insisted we get breakfast at IHOP, and of course, her wish is Connor's command.

   After eating breakfast, we head to the hospital to see my Mom. She is still the same as yesterday, lifeless. The doctor asked me if I wanted to take her off life support and I almost fainted. But of course, I said no.

   Something inside of me is telling me to not give up on her. She would never give up on me, so why would I give up on her?

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