Unexpected Reunion

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Nathan broke the news to me that the board and Kai decided to move forward with my idea for the next product launch. I was ecstatic that all of that hard work paid off.

I was at the art studio when I received the news so I couldn't help but celebrate by cheering on the spot. When I realized that my students had been staring at me I tried to re-center myself again... I must have looked like an idiot with that huge smile on my face.

I was proud of my accomplishments, but more than anything, I was happy I was able to show Kai especially and to his family that I'm not here to destroy their family. I wasn't sure where to go from here but all I knew was that this was a step in the right direction and that's what mattered.

When my third class finished, Rae arrived to help me with my fourth class. She brought us chai latte's from the café across the street.

"Where have you been?!" she exclaimed hugging onto me.

"I told you I was working on a secret art commission for some wealthy patron..."

"I know, but it sounds unbelievable to me," I laughed. Of course, it was a lie. An elaborate one at that. I felt bad for doing this continuously to Rae but I had no other choice at the moment.

"Are you saying that I don't have that much talent to attract a high paying client?"

"No... I'm saying... would you by chance..." she looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "Owe some loan shark some money and are working a second job?" I laughed again at the absurdity.

"Trust me, if I owed money to anyone I'd flee the country," Rae glared at me, pouted, and then started walking away.

"I'll get the canvases set up!" I smiled as I watched her get into an organization mode.

When I was finished gathering the acrylics for the next class, I sat down on one of the stools. I peered out of the window, watching the gust of the wind outside wildly disturb people's hair and scarfs. I wondered about how the night sky would look tonight for some reason. It felt like it would be pitch dark, but there would be an array of starlight from above...

"Welcome!" I heard Rae shout from the other side of the studio. I turned, looked up, and saw some of our students trickle in. I smiled and waved at them. It was a new group.

It was an intermediate skill level we'd be engaging with. When I was about to begin leading the class, a guy approached me from the side. I turned, looking up at him. He looked vaguely familiar. He had a set of beautiful, grey eyes... that would be hard to forget.

"Hello..." I said and he smiled brightly.

"Do you remember me?" I stared at him for a moment longer and it finally dawned on me.

"Did we... go to high school together?" he looked pleased that I recalled. "I'm sorry, I don't remember your name?"

"It's West. I'm West Brooks. I was a year older than you, but we had the same guidance counselor..." I nodded, thinking about the times I saw him... it was definitely in her office. Sometimes we would have appointments next to each other. We seldom spoke. Maybe we exchanged a few sentences to each other? But I couldn't remember specifically. He had changed a lot, after all, in my defense.

"West... it's nice to meet you again... it's been  almost 8 years, right? Sorry, you just look a lot different now..."

"I think I got taller," he laughed while scratching the back of his head. He seemed very sweet.

"Yes, and I probably am pretty much the same, just that I look older, right?" I chuckled and he shook his head politely.

"Not at all, you haven't changed since high school,"

"I'll take that compliment..." I smiled, laughing nervously. I looked at the time, and I realized I needed to start the class. "Are you attending class today?" he nodded, and I smiled. "Great, then let's get started," I motioned for him to find a spot and I introduced myself to the class.

Rae let everyone know she'd be my assistant today. After another ten minutes of the class getting to know one another briefly, we started...

After an hour, everyone started packing up to go home. Rae and I were cleaning up for the next class. There was only 2 more to go before I could relax for the rest of the evening. Before I knew it though, West was approaching me again. I turned to him after Rae took a cluster of paint brushes from my hands.

"Today was so much fun, I learned a lot."

"I'm glad you thought so, will you be coming in again next time?" he nodded and I smiled.

"Thanks for today... Miss. Rose."

"Please, you can definitely call me Hazel."

"Right, of course, then Hazel... see you later," he waved at me and I waved back. Before I knew it, Rae was next to me, bumping into my hip.

"Who's prince charming?"


"The hottie that you were talking to," she raised her eyebrow suspiciously at me.

"He was an old classmate."

"Oh, when?"

"Before I met you. It was when I was at my previous high school up until my sophomore year,"


"And what?"

"Did you... you know, date?"

"Of course not. He was just another student."

"Hmm he seems quite friendly with you," I rolled my eyes and she laughed while nudging me again. "I think he likes you."

"I think you need to finish cleaning up before our next class..." Rae continued to tease me until the next class came in. 

It was nice meeting an old classmate, I suppose? If you consider that a classmate? I shrugged it off. It would be nice to see him again. He seemed like a genuine guy...

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