Sweet Connection...

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"Huh?!" we both said at once.

"Oh please don't misunderstand," I said

"We're not in a relationship," he finished. The lady, who was smiling, simply nodded and I stepped away from him a little. He cleared his throat and looked my way once before turning away again...

When we were outside of the store I was fanning my face with my hand. All this moving around made my body warm up a little.

"You've worked hard today. Let's get something to drink before we leave."

I nodded immediately. Who knew the degree of physical demand for fashion...

After we headed to the nearest café, I turned to him seriously and said, "you know, I could never pay back the amount you spent on me today all at once, but I will pay you back one day," he scoffed a little.

"I was already expecting to take it out from your inheritance" I half-grinned at him and looked away.

When we left the café, I saw an interesting candy store in the distance. It had been a while since I was able to go out to a shopping mall and seeing a candy store was really great. I smiled while looking at it, thinking about how I would have demanded my mom take me there when I was a kid...

"Do you want to go?" he asked and I looked at him. There was zero judgment in his eyes. There seemed to be intrigue.

"Yes..." I walked forward and he followed after me. He didn't have to but he came along. I suppose he was thankful I was cooperating with him the entire time we were shopping?

Or maybe he had never been anywhere but boujie places in his life? I suddenly wondered what his childhood was like... I knew they lost their parents tragically in an accident (from the times I spoke with Nathan on the subject)... so I also wondered what they were like. Did they ever take them out? Or were they too busy? Or would they never have allowed them to come to a place like this?

When we got inside the place was covered in an array of bonbons. There were rainbow colour schemes and towers of sweet desserts. There were even some little knick knacks around the store. When I found a pair of bunny ears I laughed.

Kai was standing in front of me a little stiff with his arms crossed. I leaned over and placed them on top of his head. I wished I had my camera.

Even though the image was an oxymoron somehow it suited him. I laughed and he looked at me, shocked by what I did.

"You could start a trend at the charity event..." he reached up to take them off but I stopped him, trying to keep them on his head a while longer. I was hoping he would loosen up a little... granted he's not the sweetest or caring person to be around...

"This is childish. Let me take them off."

"What? They look good. Let me buy them for you after touring me around for a while?" I chuckled and he finally got a hold of my hands and pulled them back, but I took a misstep when he did that and my body flew forward.

I was much closer to him... staring up at him. He looked down at me, his expression changing slightly... I could see him become a little flustered. He pushed me back lightly.

"No playing around..."

"I wasn't... haven't you been to places like this before?" he nodded and I was surprised. 

"Really?!" he looked back at me a little shocked by my reaction.

"I was a child once... I guess some people never grow up?" he smirked at me and I clenched my teeth together.

"Just because we grow up doesn't mean we have to stop enjoying the things that made us happy when we were kids," he sighed and then moved away from me. I'll take that as him considering what I said...

I secretly bought the bunny ears and a few small candies before we left. When we got to the car, we drove back in silence.

At the house I went back up to my room placing the bunny ears on a little hook near my easel. I smiled, thinking about his reaction when I placed them on his head... although we were forced to spend some time with one another at least it wasn't as unpleasant as the other times I've been with him.

It was a little unreal to me... but I got to see another side of him today... I suddenly thought of the dinner plans I was making for Mackenzie and I thought about how perfect it would be for him to spend more time with his family...

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