You Are Loved

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All of us left the Onsen the next morning.

While we were driving back to the hotel I sat next to Charlie and I couldn't stop thinking about what I overheard the previous night.

I just... couldn't believe this kind of secret was true...

Did anyone in the family know he was related to them?


After we wrapped up our business in Nagoya we got on a direct flight home. During the entire trip I avoided Nathan. He didn't seem to mind... but I knew that I wouldn't be able to evade him for much longer...

When we arrived at the mansion I told Edna and Kenz I was exhausted and I wanted to sleep. They didn't hesitate to let us unwind after our long travels... so we all went our separate ways to rest. 

I decided to let myself forget about what happened for now... 


When I woke up it was already the next day. 

Since it was early in the morning I decided to get up and slip into some jeans and an over-sized button up dress shirt. I brushed my teeth and washed my face diligently before getting my easel out...

I decided to paint a little before going downstairs to eat...

After an hour of drawing I looked at my phone... it was just after 7am now and I could already smell the fresh coffee that Edna was brewing...

I decided to take a break and help her with breakfast.

When I was walking down the steps I spotted Nathan who was taking off his shoes. I slowed a little before sitting down on the steps. I didn't mean to... but my body reacted on its' own...

Nathan spotted me so when he was at the bottom of the steps he called out to me a few times. I was still in a daze for a moment longer before I answered him.

"I'm alright," I smiled. He was looking up at me still concerned... so I stood up and held the railing while walking towards him... I tried to act as normal as possible. Whatever 'normal' was? How was I usually? 

Damn... we walked together towards the kitchen. I greeted Edna before I started helping her cook. Nathan took out his iPad to do some work while he drank his black coffee Edna prepared.

After we finished making an assortment of blueberry and banana pancakes I sat down across from Nathan. Kai came into the room shortly after. 

After breakfast I excused myself.

"Hazel..." I turned to see Nathan smiling. He was looking straight into my eyes peacefully as usual... Kai was adjusting his tie next to him.

"I'll meet you at the company..." Nathan announced and Kai and nodded. I wondered why he told him to go ahead...

"Can we take a walk?" I followed Nathan down a set of hallways until we reached one of the indoor greenhouses. It was one of my favourite places in the mansion apart from the meditation room. There were clear, glass windows on top of the ceiling where we could see the natural sunlight.

"Is there something you would like to talk about?" he asked lightheartedly. 

I couldn't help but look away nervously while I responded...

"Nathan... I want to ask you a question. You... don't have to answer me. But I found out something a little... it was unintentional, really...I'm sorry I..." I bit my lower lip  suddenly feeling ashamed. I waited a few minutes before speaking again...

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