Sizzling Chemistry

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"Alright... I think they're gone..." I tried pushing Jackson away from me but every time I did he acted like a human magnet and fell back into my body.

"Just another moment..." I then pinched him and he winced. When he backed away and rubbed his arm I grabbed his other arm and dragged him forward.

"You're such a troublemaker."

"You scaled the fence too."

"This isn't about me right now... you should go home more often. Your family needs you more than you think they do."

"Why the sudden change in subject? We were so romantic back there just like in one of those dramas..." I exhaled and turned around, crossing my arms.

"Stop making excuses for yourself..."

"They are better without me." 

"When is the last time you ever tried to see if anything has changed? If you haven't tried to understand your family or if you haven't made the effort to get to know them or for them to get to know you, then you'll forever live in the memories of your past instead of moving forward"

That comment seemed to cut deep. He walked past me without saying anything, I sighed, kicking myself lightly... I shouldn't have said it like that. But what else could I do? 

Obviously he missed his family but it seemed like he was afraid of living in the present... not wanting to forget the past by preserving the best memories he has of his family?

When we got to the fence I leaned forward and held onto his arm. He looked back at me and I told him I was "sorry..." he smiled and pat the top of my shoulder.

"Let's get out of here..." he smiled again and he began scaling the fence. I looked around before he encouraged me to head over. He insisted he would "catch me." I laughed at the thought.

"I made a safe landing earlier I'll be fine," although I insisted he told me that this part of the park's fence was a little higher. I did realize that but I didn't think it would be different. Maybe a few feet...

"Hazel... trust me, I'd be better if I help."

"I'll be fine!" when I reached the other side I slowly slid down. But when I heard the guards in the background I got spooked and lost my footing. When I fell back I anticipated the worse but Jackson was there to break my fall.

However, while doing so, Jackson yelped out. I looked over at him sitting on the ground holding onto his ankle.

He must have twisted it or landed on it awkwardly.

"Oh no!! I'm sorry Jackson!" The guards seemed to have heard him so I quickly put his arm around my shoulder and I helped him forward. He hopped forward on his good foot. When the guards were out of sight again I took out my phone.

"Who are you calling?"

"Who do you think..." Jackson sighed and I dialed James' number.

About 30 minutes later James arrived at the side of a road we directed him too. When he got out of his car he was a little startled. He came over to Jackson immediately and looked at his ankle.

"Do I even want to know how this happened?"

"Dance practice," Jackson said while chuckling. James must have squeezed something and Jackson groaned. 

"Let's get him to a hospital," I said and Jackson immediately protested. "Fine, then we'll take him back to the mansion," James started helping him up and Jackson looked at me and grinned.

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