When Will There Be Answers?

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I thanked Kai for helping me to my room. I could definitely see how concerned he was for me... but I didn't know what else to say. 

Even though I had the title of an 'heir,' I was still an ordinary person. And although this incident troubled me I wondered if it random? Or if it was planned? But when did it happen? The more I tried to trace back my steps, the more it confused me. 

Before I had anymore time to think about what had happened to me, Edna was asking me if she could come into my room. When she walked in I noticed that she had prepared porridge for me. When she saw me she put down the tray and then came over to hug me. She held onto me tightly. So much so I thought I would cry...


A week passed by. During that time I had filed a police report. I tried to figure out what happened but pieces of that night were still so fuzzy. The more time passed the more I lost important details about the incident...

Although I was stressed out during the week... when the first snowfall happened I suddenly calmer...

I slept in on my days off. Spent time at the pool, indoor gym and boxing area. I couldn't believe how adjusted I was to living this 'rich life.' Having access to all these hotel amenities was still unbelievable.

After swimming laps I got out of the pool. I saw my phone's light blinking and I walked over... I read a message from Nathan. He was asking me to come in for a meeting later. I agreed to his request and then yawned a little. I decided to hop into a shower before leaving.

When I passed by the meditation room I cringed a little. Cassandra and her yoga posse were there. They were doing a yoga session. I decided to go the longer way around to avoid them. I still hadn't forgiven her for what she said to me last time...

When I got upstairs my phone rang. I looked at the unknown ID. I hesitated to answer it. And although I wanted to ignore it... something inside my head told me I should pick it up...

"Hello..." I asked but no one answered. 

"Look... I know this is the same person who has been calling me nonstop... you do realize this is harassment?" I could hear something in the background. A few school kids passing by somewhere... then there was no dial tone. I exhaled deeply... wondering if I would ever figure out who this person was...

About an hour later, Walt drove me to the office. The meeting was about a joint venture with Teikoku Motors, which was a Japan-based company. Ravenwolf Co. would be co-operating via a limited contractual agreement so that Teikoku, a growing company, could expand their upcoming model that has AI features. They wanted to export through a 'established' brand in the West.

In the process of the setting up the contract, which is what I was present for, they were working on the terms and conditions with contract and legal aid/lawyers on each side. Ravenwolf Co. had already set a contract and they were going through the terms and commitments on both ends.

It was fascinating, especially when they spoke in Japanese at length and broke off into English. Back and forth. I must have been tired from swimming so I couldn't help but nod off. Hearing Kai speaking Japanese was, oddly enough, relaxing... when the video meeting was over Kai confirmed a few last minute 'things' to our shareholders.

"I will be visiting Nagoya to complete a tour of their manufacturing plant and main office. Then we will discuss further features from there..."

While he spoke my phone lit up. It was on silent but it caught my eye because someone was calling me... that unknown number again...

I ignored it and then blocked the number.

When everyone was dismissed from the meeting I received a message from Rae. She wanted to meet me.

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