Fighting For Her Life

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I tried loosening the ropes again. The more I moved, however, the more the ropes cut into my skin. I bit my lower lip. 

I needed to get out of here. There was no way anyone would be on their way to help me. I was all alone.

What West said to me... wasn't exactly incorrect. There was me. And then there was the world.

Sometimes I invited people in but most of the time I didn't want to let anyone in because I was scared of them leaving.

I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want to listen to his voice ringing in my ear. I didn't want to validate anything he said. What the hell did he know about me? Doing a little investigating to be a manipulative jerk...

I don't think so... I wouldn't let him get to me. I would get myself out of here.

I gathered my senses.

While droplets of sweat dripped down my forehead and the nape of my neck, I tried moving my feet around a little more. I tried looking out but I couldn't see much. I needed one opportunity... just one opportunity to escape.

I stopped moving when I heard West in the room. He was moving around some bags and then going to and from the staircase. The second time he came down he moved around some lights and I could finally see the table across from me. When he left again I looked at the table and there was a small pocket knife on the corner of the table.

This was my chance. I started slowly shuffling over to the table. A burning sensation erupted from underneath my skin because of the friction against the ropes but I didn't stop. I made it to the table and I leaned forward. I tried grabbing the knife with my mouth before finally getting a hold of it.

I prayed for a miracle. I dropped the knife into my lap and gently tried maneuvering it over to my hand...

I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. Thump, thump, thump.

I couldn't hear West yet so I continued to persevere. Inch by inch, I managed to get the knife into my hand. I exhaled as though I had finished a half-marathon. I could hear from movement upstairs and I shuffled back to my spot. These were risks I was willing to take considering my position...

I smiled in relief and then aimed the knife towards the ropes. It was awkward to try and saw at the ropes upside down... but I continued slicing away and frays began to form.

Seconds felt like minutes... would he be down here any second? Would I get caught?

I could feel the sweat puddle on my back but there wasn't any time to care about how exhausted I was feeling... I could hear him coming from upstairs but I was only half way through cutting the rope. I began to slide the knife back and forth more rigorously. With each step he took I got closer to getting one side of the rope cut... then he stopped.

I prayed on the spot and I never did that. But for once in my life if I could just hope... hope that I could get through this...

West must have forgotten something because he turned again and raced back upstairs.

When he reached the top the rest of the rope fell onto the ground.

I quickly turned to saw through the other rope. When my other hand was free I went to free my feet but I heard him coming back down the steps. This time he was racing downstairs and I didn't have time to conceal what I had been doing.

One thing I suddenly remembered about West was that he was a black belt in Taekwondo. I became alert and aware of the difference in fighting ability between us. It felt laughable that I only remembered something like this now.

So when he saw me he raced over and before I had a chance to lift the knife back up from my feet he grabbed my arm. While trying to prevent him from taking the knife away from me, we struggled a little. He eventually tossed the knife to the side and pressed my arms together with one hand.

"What are you doing?! I forgot the knife but you shouldn't be doing bad things like this. Trying to leave me when I worked so hard for us to be together!"

My vision was finally becoming less blurry so I was able to see his severe expression.

"Just... let me go..."he looked at me as though I was the one hurting him... 

He then reached into his back pocket and grabbed a small piece of cloth. I was attentive to what he wanted to do to me again so I struggled when he lowered the cloth to my face. I pushed my body forward with as much force as I could while knocking my head into his jawline. He stumbled back a little so I took the chance to launch myself towards the ground where the knife was. While I was reaching out to grab it he was already on top of me. I managed to elbow him into the face.

I felt the heat from my tears trickling down the side of my face. I was losing strength. 

"I don't want to hurt you!!" he said while reaching out to hold onto my leg. He lost his footing trying to get up and I used this moment to kick him below his belt with my other foot. He toppled over and I shoved him away. I raced towards the staircase. I crawled up most of the way and then found my footing. I put my hand up at the sudden light appearing in front of me.

I must be inside his house. I raced forward when I saw the front door. I felt relief wash over me.

When I was halfway to the door West had already caught up to me and grabbed my arm. He twisted it back towards his chest. I had to release the knife because of this hold. He held onto my body tightly. I screamed out loud again. 

"A-Anyone! Anyone! Please help me!!" 

While I tried escaping from West's grip I was surprised to see the door being kicked in...

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