A Tender Heart

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After dropping my drawing pencil onto my sketch book I slowly leaned forward to rest my head on my desk. I then started to gaze at the bracelet Henry gave me...

A few days after the 'accident' I noticed that Kai had changed a little. And I couldn't help but wonder why...

I twirled the bracelet around my wrist a few times before my phone started ringing. I turned to look at the Caller ID... it was Luca. I remembered putting his number in my phone after the accident. I was a little surprised he was reaching out to me during his recovery.

Besides, how did he get my phone number?

"Luca?" I asked.

"Hey Hazel!... I have a favour. I have a package I'm having a difficult time with. I can't bring it inside my apartment..."

Then why call me?

"I have no one else to help me. My mom is in New York and Natalie is in Italy."

"What about your friends?"

"You are my friend" I scoffed almost hanging up.

"Hold up! I'm sorry... I really don't have anyone else... they're more business acquaintances than friends... please..."

I hesitated at first, but since I didn't have anything else going on in the afternoon I agreed. When I hung up I got ready to commute to his place. 


When I arrived I went through 2 security gates and then another check point with a guard who looked like he could kill me with his pinky finger. I was alarmed by the amount of surveillance in his apartment complex... I couldn't help but wonder how many celebrities or rich people lived here?

When I finally arrived at his place I was greeted by a large statue-like package outside his front door. What makes him think I could drag this inside?

When I saw Luca I was surprised. His hair was a mess and he had some food stains on his shirt... He showed me a little dolly to put the package on and I was relieved. I carefully loaded it and dragged it inside.

"What the hell is in here?"

"A stone sculpture of myself," I laughed, thinking he wasn't being serious. When I looked up at him his expression didn't change.

"You're not serious?"

"I couldn't refuse this gift..."

"Who gets..." I then shrugged... I wouldn't understand rich people's hobbies ever. When I looked around his place I saw fast food wrappers and crumbs scattered everywhere... 

"How long have they been away for?"

"A few days..." I nodded.

"I know... it looks pretty disgusting here... but every time I try to open something it explodes on me... and it's still hard to pick things up" I nodded, understandingly.

"Isn't there anyone else that can help you?"

"I considered calling for a professional cleaner but... last time that happened they found out my identity and took some of my belongings to auction off online..." my eyes widened in shock...

"Then... no one else?"

"I don't give my address to just anyone..." my heart was now pounding a little. I realized the situation and nervously patted the back of my neck. There was a brief silence between us. Whether or not he intended to... or if this was his plan, I couldn't just leave him.

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