Overnight At The Hot Springs...

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I never imagined I would be flying first class almost halfway across the world...

It still felt like a dream so each hour I would look at my surroundings in awe...

Even though I had insisted on flying economy Nathan told me that since they usually fly first class, it wouldn't make sense for the current heir of Ravenwolf not to do the same...

When I insisted they live more humbly Nathan reassured me that it was only for longer, international flights they flew like this.

But didn't everyone else fly economy during long travels? I didn't want to debate Nathan because I was sure it was because Kai just didn't want to be around people... so I relented and decided to see how it would go...


It was a long flight but I was able to sleep for 2 hours. When we arrived in Nagoya it took about 45 minutes for us to reach the Marriott. Along the way we spent a majority of our time on the highway. There was a lot of lush vegetation--bundles of greenery and trees, many houses, and electrical towers along the way...

After we arrived at the hotel I thought about all the tourist areas I would be missing out on. I was interested in the parks located in the Aichi Prefecture, especially the Nagoya Castle. There was also the Science Museum and the Kinshachi Yokocho where we could try some traditional Nagoya cuisine...

I knew I shouldn't have looked at the travel guide given to us on the plane... but it was a little sad I wouldn't be able to explore this city... but since we had a specific business itinerary, I understood...

After we checked in to the Imperial Suites that Kai booked for each of us... I thought I had ascended into heaven... the first class 'experience' was already uncomfortable for me but this was just way too luxurious... when I sunk into the fluffy white duvet on the bed I couldn't believe it...

So this is how rich people lived?

Well, hadn't I been living in this kind of life for a while now? Even so... I couldn't get used to this kind of surreal feeling.

I got off of the bed and explored the room a little. There were quite a few amenities included. There was even a bathrobe for me in the bathroom... I could literally vacation in this room alone...

"Hazel..." Nathan called out for me after knocking on the door. When I opened the door and saw him he told me that I could rest since our meeting wouldn't be until tomorrow.

We were all exhausted from the trip so it was only natural for us to spend the rest of the evening sleeping... I didn't hesitate to agree. I ordered some food, ate a little, and then decided to have a hot shower.

Afterwards, I sunk into bed and slept almost instantly...

When I woke up I was welcomed by the morning light beaming into my room.

My phone started buzzing and when I looked over at my phone I saw that Nathan was letting me know they would be meeting in the lobby in 20 minutes...

I yawned a little and laid on my back leisurely... it took a moment for me to realize he had said 20 minutes?! I forgot to set my alarm because I was so tired last night....

I rushed out of bed and quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and then styled my hair. 

I sped over to my suitcase and tossed out a few items. I found one outfit that Nathan insisted I pack for business and slipped into it. I grabbed my bag and then flew out of the room. I realized I had forgotten to put on my shoes so I ran back inside...

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