For The Sake Of Your Smile

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Walt drove me to the address that Jackson sent to me.

When I arrived I made my way up to the apartment and knocked on the door. I moved away from the peephole right before he answered the door and then I walked in before he had a chance to question why I was here...

I noticed that it was a moderately sized apartment with a spacious open concept: a living room and kitchen in the same area with a long hallways to my left...

"Hazel... what are you doing here?"

"Today... I'm going to overstep Nathan... and although you may not forgive me for it... I'll say it anyway," I looked up at him and continued.

"When I first came to Ravenwolf I was constantly worried about the future. Especially since I had been given a great responsibility. But... you always helped me no matter what and you were always there for me. Over time I realized it wasn't just because Henry entrusted you to find me... but also because you trusted me. So please, trust me when I say this..."

"Right now you have the power to make a few important choices. Some that could very well change who you are for the rest of your life... but it's better than running away..." when he turned away from my intense gaze I walked forward and grabbed his hands tightly. I shook them a few times.

"You don't have anything to be ashamed of. You didn't do anything wrong. No one could predict this was going to happen... but it did and something needs to give Nathan. You may not believe this will make a difference, but in order for you to understand your next moves, you have to involve the one person who has the most say in this..." he looked up at me with a gentle expression... behind that tiredness and sadness, there seemed to be traces of the man I met at the beginning of my journey.

"You need to talk to Mackenzie..." the two of us stood silently in front of each other. I slowly let go of his hands and then looked away from him. "That's all I came here to say..." I looked over at his bar table and saw an assortment of empty liquor bottles there and closed my eyes.

"How are you so sure?" I turned around to see that he was now looking straight at me.

"I don't... but I know what it's like to give up on your own voice because you think it would be easier than fighting for what you want..." I looked him briefly before I left his apartment quietly.

I held onto my chest with my hot palm...

I couldn't believe I said that to him... but it needed to be done. When I got back to the mansion Jackson was there waiting for me.

"So, what do you want me to do? Go on another rendezvous? Do your laundry for the next few weeks? Carry your bags when you shop?

"Hmm... those are all good suggestions but no. I want you to have dinner with me."


"Where would you--"

"I want us to make dinner together. I know a place..."

"Alright, fine... but why?"

"For fun, I suppose?" he smiled at me... it made me feel like I still needed to keep my guard up. He patted the top of my shoulders before walking by me. "I'll message you the details..."

I sighed to myself.

"Oh and... thank you..." when I looked over my shoulder Jackson was waving at me. "For talking some sense into my uncle..." I smiled to myself... I hoped they would meet soon...

I don't think you have anything to worry about Nathan... Mackenzie won't reject you... she's just scared, confused and unsure of the future... but there are little steps you can take to show people you care. That you're sorry. That you want to be in their life...

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