Hazel Rose: Model?

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When I observed Natalie from a distance I couldn't help but admire her 'beauty.'

It was a conventional beauty you see in magazines, but there was also something unique about her. To a point where you couldn't take your eyes off of her...

After the first day of the shoot, Natalie left as soon as she wrapped up her 'modeling duties.'

Nathan and I left shortly after, and when I got home I was greeted by Apollo. I hadn't seen him in a while since I had been busy.


Later that night I thought about how the next few days would go by. 

The photo shoots only lasted a few hours at a time but they were a little intense. Especially considering Natalie didn't really like me. Or at least it seemed like she didn't and was just tolerating me? I sighed again before attempting to fall asleep... thinking about how tomorrow would go...

And before I knew it I was on set again. 

I watched the crew bustle around me to make things perfect before Natalie arrived. I yawned a little and then drank a bit more of the latte I got earlier this morning. I was a little tired because I didn't get enough sleep last night.

When Natalie arrived I saw her complaining endlessly in the distance to her assistant and manager. She was making a scene about not having the correct purified water brand she requested. Or that the hand-held fan they bought for her was too small. When she continued complaining about the smallest of details well... details I thought was insignificant, someone else joined her. And I couldn't believe my eyes... it was Luca.

I turned around and started to walk away. Maybe I could hide somewhere for the time being? What was he doing here? When I found a random prop room to hang out in I decided to read one of the books Nathan gave me for understanding to 101's of Marketing. 

But... Julia came rushing in shortly after.

"Found you!"

"What's the matter?!" I stood up, nervously.

"The director wants to see you... you're being asked to stand in."

"For what?" Julia pulled me forward and I didn't know what she meant by that...

So when I came to the front I saw the director and head photographer looking solemn. When I approached them I asked them what was wrong. The director took the lead in responding.

"Hazel... we have a request," I wondered where Nathan was all of a sudden.

"What... kind of request?"

"Natalie... refuses to complete the shoot unless another model stands in with her."

"Alright, then I'll collaborate with Nathan and find a solution."

"She already has one..."

"Which is..."

"For you to stand in..."

"Excuse me?" I stared at him bewildered. This was getting a bit out of hand. "I'm not a model."

"Well, today you will be," the photographer stepped into the conversation. He had a heavy French accent. He looked like even he was getting impatient about the model's obvious ridiculous request.

"I know this is unusual, but she refuses to work anymore unless this is done. She won't continue working without her new 'conditions' being met."

Where was Nathan when I needed him?

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