Not Together, But Together?

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I was slightly taken aback by his statement...

"Why would you have to take responsibility?" at that point he turned around, holding onto his mug. I didn't know what else to say...

"You're right..." he walked towards me and I looked up at him when he stopped. He stood beside me as he spoke, "after all, your inheritance is your insurance, but... could you live a life without being a painter?" I looked up at him. I couldn't believe it. Was he trying to be sympathetic?

"Look... I don't know if I haven't already established this with you, but I'm not here solely as a money collector and yes, I should be more careful because you're right, outside of this place, I rely on my hands to create the art that I love... I understand how burdening that would be for your family, especially after what happened with Charlie, but what I don't understand is... if you're just trying to say that you would feel sorry for me if something happened to me, or that you don't want to see me get hurt, can't you just say so in a matter of fact? I mean, if anything, Jackson is the one that owes me an apology for bringing in that jerk."

I stepped back and crossed my arms. That seemed to break the tension. He cleared his throat and then stepped back.

"You're reading too much into it. I just don't want you to get hurt and cause me more problems," I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, Mr. President, I'll be much more careful from now on, alright?" he stiffened up like a board and scoffed a little. "Oh, right, Nathan told me that you're already planning the charity event and that I'm taking part in it?"

The change of topic seemed to relieve him.

"Yes, you're going to be greeting guests," he started walking away and I turned around a little stunned by the revelation.

"Why me?" he stopped again and turned around to respond.

"Because you're the current heir and major shareholder at the company now. Most of our clientele, old and new, have not met you. So it will be a good opportunity to meet them," I sighed. That was the last thing I wanted to do. Before I knew it, he disappeared and I was left to mull over the role that I would have to play...

I messaged Nathan after I got my snack and he told me that it was true. That was what I was going to be doing that night. He also told me that I would be given the opportunity to get a fancy new outfit for the event.

I couldn't help but think that this sounded like a rags to riches story. It made me uncomfortable knowing that I would be wearing that fashionable get-up for one night only and it would probably be worth an entire month's paycheck for me...

I knew Nathan wouldn't let me bargain shop or find something at a local shopping mall... the thought of what I would end up wearing terrified me... I get that I need to leave a powerful impression, but I had no clue about fashion nor did I care about it.

Nathan convinced me that he would find me something perfect to wear ...


The next day I arrived at Ravenwolf Co. to attend a meeting about the development of the commercial for their product launch happening the end of the quarter. Everything seemed like it was going well and from what I could tell the board was equally impressed with the theme and creative design.

After the meeting with the Marketing team, Nathan came up to me to tell me that I could spend some time in different departments. I was going to head to the site later to see a portion of the filming but I needed to kill a bit of time before that.

I decided to go downstairs to see Peter and his team.

When I arrived there was a warm reception for my arrival. Peter's team was always genuine, and I appreciated that they treated me normally and didn't question my authenticity of wanting to get to know the ins and outs of the company.

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