His Broken Heart

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It was Nathan. He stepped into the elevator and stood beside me.

He was quiet on the ride down, but when we reached ground level, he spoke up.

"Let's go and grab a tea together..." I looked at him and he was smiling brightly. He probably overheard what happened... I nodded and the both of us walked a few blocks to a cozy café.

While we were waiting for our order I messaged Edna to let her know that I would be home late. I then called Mackenzie to apologize for not getting everyone together for the dinner and I promised I would next time.

By the time I hung up the server arrived. I sat there dejectedly while sipping on my sweet hibiscus tea...

"So, would you like to start from the top?" I looked over at him. He looked like a gentleman caught in a picture frame.

His legs were neatly crossed while he leaned back slightly in his chair. He was holding onto his tea glass elegantly. He had taken his jacket off when we arrived, so his dress shirt was rolled up, exposing part of his arm. I couldn't believe he was in his early fifties. He didn't look a day over 40 and he could probably pass for even younger, especially being surrounded by the Ravenwolf grandsons...

 He had some grey in his hair but it blended in perfectly.

"Huh?" I shook my head. I couldn't believe I let myself get drawn in by the atmosphere.

"I was wondering what led up to this dramatic scene..." I sighed, put my tea mug down, and then leaned forward.

"I mean I get how much that guy gets irritated by me, but don't you think that was a little too much?" Nathan chuckled a little. "Sorry, am I missing something here?"

"Not at all, but..." Nathan placed his tea glass down as well and leaned forward. "Kai doesn't show much... emotion around people he's not close to."

"Well I've surely been on his radar since day one."

"No, this is different..."

"What do you mean...?"

"From what I could tell, you tried to arrange a family dinner, correct?" I nodded innocently and Nathan sighed. "Kai... is one to keep... particular boundaries."

"I can tell."

"There's a reason and I think after you understand... you may realize why he reacted the way he did..."

"How so..."

"What I'm about to tell you... it's only because you've been around the family long enough now, and I'm sure Henry would have wanted you to know as well..."

"Alright..." I waited for Nathan to speak again. He took his time, building from the momentum...

"Remember when I told you about their parents?"

"Yes, briefly."

"They were in a tragic accident over a decade ago..."

"I do recall..."

"I didn't tell you an important part of the story..." I only knew that it was related to a car collision, but I didn't know anything else.... I wondered what could have possibly happened.

"On Kai's high school graduation, some of his friends asked him to go to an after party. When he went, he indulged... and got too drunk to drive back home. He couldn't stay overnight at his friend's house because he had to travel with his father the next day... of course all of his friends were too drunk to drive him back and it was in a remote part of town to get any taxi or driving services..." Nathan sighed again and took a sip of his tea again.

"So, he called his parents, and they agreed to pick him up. His mother was upset about the state he got himself in and decided to tag along with his dad... after they picked him up, they were heading back home. It was early morning. Around 4am on the roads... then suddenly... a moving truck driving on the opposite lane lost control at the wheel and... crashed into their car head on..."

I gasped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I didn't think it would be this devastating... I knew what would come next... to be left with that kind of psychological scar for the rest of your life...

"So after the crash... his parents died on impact and he survived. He sustained intense injuries... but when he woke up he realized what happened... so, of course he blamed himself for what happened. It hasn't been the same ever since... over time it has gotten easier for people to communicate with him, as he was much more reserved up until several years ago... but there is something behind every action..."

"So... an idea of a family dinner would be..." it would be too heartbreaking. His family... wasn't complete. And if he thought it was his fault, then I could understand why after all this time his animosity from me was heavy... or in times when he lightened up a little there was a guard. I laid my head on the table in front of me.

"You didn't know. It's not your fault. None of his brothers blames him for what happened either. But it will still be something he carries for the rest of his life..."

I lifted my head up again and looked at Nathan who was now sitting forward as well.

"That old man... really didn't tell me what I was getting into..." Nathan half-smiled and patted my arm sympathetically.

"Having you here... whether or not you've noticed has made a difference. I can see it... chipping away from him."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see what I mean sometime..."

I was a little confused, but for now, I knew why he acted the way he did.

When Nathan and I came back to the house, I excused myself to my room. When I was there, I couldn't help but cry. I hadn't felt like I had done something wrong... not like this in a long time. Not knowing the consequences of my actions to this degree. When I thought it would be a simple dinner.

Thinking about how I should have thought it through a little more...

Instead of continuing to dwell on it, I decided to let all the remorse from what I did melt away in a hot shower. I finished crying... letting myself let go of what I was holding onto.

When I finished, I decided to go straight to bed.

When I felt myself dozing off I couldn't help but think about my mom.

My body, whether or not I was asleep or perhaps awake? I could recall a similar time when I met misfortune. When I thought of some memories of my past coming back to me in flashes, I woke up in a sweat. I must have been crying in my sleep. 

I brushed the tears from my cheeks and brought my legs up to my chest. On instinct, I did this to comfort myself... I tried to calm myself down again... hoping the nightmares wouldn't return.

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