The Truth Hurts

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"What's wrong?" I asked but he just smiled a little and released his hand from my wrist...

While he sat up I walked over to grab a comb. I asked him if he wanted me to dry and style his hair and he nodded. He sat there quietly while I dried his hair.

"I'm done..." I took a step back. He looked a little bit livelier. He then glanced over at one of the mirrors on the wall and nodded approvingly. When he stood up he hesitated a little before leaving... seriously, what was up with him?

"Luca..." I asked when I met him back in the living room area. It was quiet between us. "I'm going to head out, alright?" he turned to look at me again.

"Why did you do all this for me?"

"Why? Well... at one point you were Kai's friend. And being alone in this apartment for a while without much help would be a little frustrating. Even if you annoy me most of the time... don't overthink it, alright?"

When I grabbed my bag, I started heading out to the front entrance, but he spoke softly in he distance.

"I came back because I wanted to make amends with Kai..." I turned to him. He was staring off to the side. He didn't seem like he was lying...

"I came to his event because I had hoped we could start over after such a long time... I thought maybe we could talk again, but Kai hadn't changed... maybe I haven't either... I don't think he'll ever forgive me... and after being back for so long I understand..."

"Luca... do you want to be friends with him again or do you just feel guilty for what happened in the past?"

"Right for the jugular..." he paused for quite some time before answering again. 

"Maybe. I don't know. We were only close at first because of our families, but over time... I really did consider him my best friend... but that guy, hasn't changed much since he was 18, after all..." I paused for a moment and smiled to myself.

"Time won't move forward for anyone when you're trapped in your memories of the past... Kai hasn't been able to heal from what happened all those years ago because of the guilt he's carrying. But you're wrong... he has changed. He's tried to become stronger for his family and for himself. That accident changed him. And it will for the rest of his life. But I can see him trying to find peace in his life again. But that'll be on his own time..."

Luca seemed intrigued by my observations... I had gotten close to Kai and his family so I was able to pick up on a lot. I knew Luca meant well, but Kai's connection to him would be entirely in his court and not Luca's. Some people would move out of your life. And there wasn't anything we could do about it. I wondered if Luca would realize that...

Who knew what would happen with these two. I decided to change the topic.

"Are you sleeping well?" he then nodded.

"I have to get up several times, but it's bearable..."

"Then, I hope tonight you get some rest..." before I left I noticed I had gotten the shoulders of his shirt wet despite trying to wrap him up in a towel.

"Luca... your shirt..." he looked at it and shrugged.

"It'll dry."

"Let me... do you have a shirt I can at least get for you?" he half-smiled at me.

"Now I'm sounding like you're patient..."

"Let me do this for you... then I'll go..." he nodded and pointed towards the hallway. I found his room and browsed through a few drawers. I found a button up pajama top that he could easily slide into after I helped him take his sling off...

When I came back into the living room he was trying to take his sling off. He was wincing a little.

"Hold on..." I said, while helping him lift it off of his arm. I lifted up one side of his shirt and he was able to take it off completely by leaning to the side.

Before I was able to slide the night shirt over his arm, the doorbell rang. He looked just as confused as I was.

"Another delivery?" he shrugged again.

"I'll put this on, can you answer it for me?" I nodded. I didn't think too much of who was at the door so I didn't hesitate to open it... when I did, the person who was waiting at the door turned around... my heart leapt.

Kai... what was he doing here?!

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