A Rival Appears?!

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Kai stepped forward while raising his arm. 

He seemed to be preventing me from moving towards the mysterious guy in front of us. He then took my hand and walked back with me. I could hear the mysterious guy mumble something under his breath, "interesting..." was it?

How did they know each other? And why did that happen to me? Why was this always happening to me?

Maybe my cheeks were red. I didn't know where Kai was taking me, but all the walking was tiring my elevated feet out. When we reached the other side of the venue it was quieter. We were in an empty corridor. He paced a little and I watched his movements. He looked a little upset, but I couldn't figure out why.

"What was going on back there!?" he seemed to be furious by what happened.

"What do you mean? He was--"

"Was he harassing you? Why were you kissing?" he looked at me even angrier than he was a moment ago...

"What are you talking about?" I thought about it for a brief moment and added: "when we were picking up that bracelet our lips touched. It wasn't a kiss--"

"I saw you two from behind--"

"From behind?" I thought about it again...

"Don't tell me you thought..." I had to laugh about this situation... "he was helping me take the clasp off of my bracelet. It snagged on my dress.... see, look at the frays..." I was pointing at my chest and he reached out to bring my hands down. 

"We didn't kiss! Except for that time we -–that wasn't even a kiss! Our lips accidentally touched!" one hand was on his hip and the other hand was on his forehead.

"How do you know..." he looked at me as though I had stepped on a landmine... "forget I asked..." he sighed and then stepped forward.

"Did he do anything else to you?" I shook my head. 

"You shouldn't get close to him."

"I don't even know him and besides... the main topic of this conversation should be that this dress cost $15,000?!"

"So?" I nearly fainted on the spot.

"Do you not understand--"in the distance I could hear Nathan addressing the guests. Kai cleared his throat.

"We need to get back already. I'll make sure to deal with that guy later."

What was there to deal with him about? This was a molehill turning into a mountain? And I don't even know why... he led me forward again. It suddenly felt like I was moving to the beat of this guy's drum. For now, I would comply because he got me out of that situation but next time he would surely get it from me...

And besides, why was he all hyped up about a kiss that wasn't even a kiss? Or a scene he assumed was a passionate embrace? Why was Kai reacting the way he was? 

I decided not to dwell on it for too long. When we approached the dining hall again he slowed down. He looked a little frazzled by that unexpected encounter.

"Hold on..." he turned to me and I fixed his jacket. I re-did a button that came undone and fixed the handkerchief in his breast pocket. I then pushed away some stray hairs from his face. When I looked up at him he was staring at me curiously. He wasn't moving but I became a little shocked by my gravitation towards him. I stepped back.

But he reached out to hold my hand lightly and brought me inside the venue. He brought me to sit with his family and then he went up towards the stage to give a speech.

After he greeted his guests and let them know about how much 'we' value their time and patronage, he talked about where the proceeds for this charity event were going under their names. 

He told them that they would get a sneak peek into the new product launch and would be able to see a short trailer of the commercial launching in the next few weeks. It was done professionally so of course it looked polished, exciting, and endearing. It seemed to move the crowd.

When he was done he also added: "and thanks to our current heir of Ravenwolf each of you will be able to take home a small, hand-painted gift from Miss. Rose... who wanted to show you her appreciation for your attendance as well as your continued support for Ravenwolf..." there was a sea of applause and I looked at him confused. 

I wasn't expecting him to tell them I had done it. I looked around and saw some of the families and guests look at the centerpieces after he told them where they were and they seemed to be admiring my creative project.

I smiled to myself and I felt a hand lightly tap the top of my shoulder. It was Nathan's.

"Just be as comfortable as possible... people will want to thank you," I nodded and Kai concluded with some final remarks. He told us to enjoy our dinners and then for the after party on the dance floor and venue. He hoped people would continue to build more bonds with their loved one's tonight and meet new acquaintances. My heart started palpitating at the thought... 

I had a little bit of a close encounter just a while ago...

Kai raised his glass, and soon, everyone was being presented with their meals and they were dining.

After another hour people were mingling around the venue and on the dance floor. I was drinking champagne and making small talk with VIP clients who vacationed to all corners in the world. I didn't want to hear another story of wine touring in the South of France or sunbathing on their yachts in the Mediterranean. I tried to smile through it all. I couldn't relate.

How can you relate to rich people on this level? While they were enjoying specialty, but fairly traded coffee beans freshly ground (and hand poured each morning) from 'exotic' parts of South America, I was enjoying pre-packaged tea bags from the local supermarket.

"Where was your most memorable trip, dear?" I had been speaking to a recently retired President of a major Textile company. She had 3 Persian cats, owned several antiques from the Corinthian period in Ancient Greece, and recently decided to take up scuba diving. 

Her first trip? She flew to South Africa to explore some of the gorgeous coral reefs... I didn't know if I was holding my composure at the onslaught of extravagant lifestyles I kept hearing of...

"I..." what could I say? I hadn't traveled much outside of this city. I can't recall the last time I went anywhere outside of the country besides my random trip to Mexico. 

"Well, to be honest..."

"May I intrude on the discussion, Madam?" I turned around to see the young gentleman that I met earlier...

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