A Slap To The Face

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After what happened to Charlie, I realized that there will always be people in the world who prey on the people they presume to be weaker than them.

Charlie, although timid, was a strong kid. The actions of those entitled people speak volumes. I just wished he would realize how important his life is; how resilient he is even after all of this...

I was lost in thought at the shopping mall. 

I got a day off from work so I decided to spend some time in less familiar places.

It had been 2 months since Henry died. I was thinking I should visit his grave...

I sighed while sipping on my chilled chai latte. I turned right almost into a complete stranger. I apologized before walking over to the nearest exit. I had been wandering around for quite some time. I only bought a few more paint supplies...

I decided to take a look at the storefronts on the opposite side of the mall...

When I was outside I spotted a music store. I smiled and entered the store. I looked around for a while until I spotted a basin of guitar picks.

"Do you play?" I'm presuming this guy was in his mid-fifties. I didn't wasn't to assume he was the shopkeeper but he gave off that vibe.

"Not at all," I chuckled and then said, "I'll take this one. It's for a friend," he nodded and carefully wrapped the one I picked out. I wanted to gift this to Charlie. It looked like I had figured out what I could do for that kid. I must have seemed proud of myself for thinking about giving him a pick. I wasn't sure if he used his fingers... but the thought counted?

I exited the shop and walked down the street. I just remembered there was an art gallery nearby. I hadn't visited it since I went to their grand opening a few months ago. They were having an exhibit next week but I wanted to take a peek at the collection they had in right now.

I crossed the street and while walking along the sidewalk I passed a few stores.

A pet groomers, a dry-cleaner, a bridal shop... I couldn't help but blush at the sight of the dress because it reminded me of the charity ball. In a similar gown I danced with Kai and also encountered an odd man whose lips I touched... I shrugged my shoulders...

No way.

No way.

Not now... just forget about it... 

I passed a cafe... and then for some reason, after briefly looking to my left, I thought I saw Jackson... I shook my head. That would be impossible...

I started walking forward again and then stopped. Curiosity got the better of me. I walked backwards and peered into the window...

It was Jackson. He seemed to be flirting with a young woman?

I must have gravitated towards the door without realizing it. Because before I knew it a young woman pushed me to the side. She threw open the door aggressively. I was about to curse at her for what she did but when I saw the crazed look in her eyes I pushed my lips together. While the door was halfway from closing, I heard her shout loudly at Jackson, "you prick!"

My body moved on its own and I opened the door to witness this scene unfold. There weren't any 'customers' around. From what I could tell it was a small business... I didn't get a chance to look at the sign outside. But it appeared to be for cosmetic-based consultations.

"Hey, Mel! What's--" I saw Jackson get slapped so hard across the face I almost felt his pain. I couldn't help but cringe... the young woman he was 'flirting with' seemed to be taken aback.

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