I Want To See You Again- Kai's POV

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It was already past 10pm and I couldn't stop looking at my watch.

Nathan hadn't heard from Hazel nor did any of the other kids... so where was she?

I couldn't concentrate on my work so every fifteen minutes I had to get up and pace around my room. 

This was unusual for her. She would have told Nathan if she was planning on staying out late. Besides, she left the mansion just to close the store. Did something come up? Her only friend is in New York so what else could it be?

I tapped my finger on my desk a few times. There was something wrong...

I couldn't shake this feeling off for a while now. I didn't know why but every time I saw her it always felt like there was something she was hiding. And I'm at fault for never pushing her for more answers... I just didn't want her to tell me it was none of my business or that she wanted me to stay out of it. Like I used to tell her... the irony of not wanting to be told the same thing...

I heard a knock on my door. 

When I walked over to see who it was Jackson was there.

"Sorry to bother but... I heard about what happened... and she's not back yet."

"You heard correctly..."

"Should we... be worried? Did she message Nathan?"

I could hear the front door open. It was enough for me to push Jackson aside. He followed after me but we both noticed it was only James who was walking into the house. He had a stack of books piled up in his hands.

"I'll call Nathan..." Jackson stepped away and I started walking down the steps. Nathan was wrapping up an international call by now so he should be easier to reach. Since we have a zero tolerance for cell phone usage during important meetings I was unable to contact him.

"Hey..." I said and James turned to me. I took a few books from him to lighten his load.

"What's going on?" 

"Has Hazel reached out to you?"

"No... what's this about?"

"She was supposed to return a few hours ago but we haven't heard from her."

"Where did she go?" James put the rest of his books aside.

"Her boss needed her to come in for an emergency close."

"Have you called her?"

"There's no answer..." I could see James turn a little paler. Was there something he knew that I didn't?

"This is unusual..." I didn't realize that Jackson had been walking down the steps towards us. 

"Nathan told me he'll be over as soon as possible. He also said to call the police... what's this about? What's going on?" I looked at James and glared.

"I had noticed a few things these past few weeks that were a little off."

"A little off?" I stepped in closer and James looked up at me seriously.

"She was being harassed by someone. They would call her phone anonymously and wouldn't answer... she also... nearly got run over by a car at my hospital but that would be speculation since I'm not sure if the two were actually connected. Though, there have been times I have felt like someone was watching her..."

I couldn't believe it. It was already difficult processing what was going on. So she was in danger? What was happening to her... was it because she was a 'Ravenwolf' or was it someone around her that was causing her harm?

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"She didn't want anyone to know."

"What the hell?! So someone's out to get her?" Jackson shouted. He approached James and grabbed the cuff of his shirt. "Now that it's come to this you better hope she's alright," I reached out to remove Jackson's hand from James.

"Calm down... we'll find her. We can't assume what happened. James, get in contact with the police now. Jackson, go wake up Charlie. He saw her this evening," Jackson turned around and sprinted upstairs. James opened up his phone.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner but she insisted and I just--"

"It's okay," I said while trying to calm myself down. I was angry but most of all I was just unsettled. When I thought of Hazel there were many things that occupied my mind.

She cared about the people around her. She was diligent about her work. She was strong-willed, but it seemed like she kept many secrets to herself on purpose for perhaps that very reason?

When it felt like I wouldn't get to see her again my heart ached... I wondered what this feeling was... perhaps it was sense of guilt because I hadn't inquired about what was happening to her? But then... how could it explain those times when I felt a persistent throb in my heart when I saw her at the hospital after protecting Charlie and the time when she was hurt at the party...

Wasn't it normal to care about the people in your life?

Had she become that important to me... without me consciously noticing until now?

"I'll go take a look at her art studio," I announced while grabbing my jacket. I started to head out but before I did James said: "but... driving... you haven't--"

"It's not like I can't..." I continued walking out of the door and made my way over to the parking garage. I hadn't gotten behind the wheel in a long time because of what happened in the past. But this wasn't the time to hesitate.

When I got into the car I held onto the steering wheel for a brief moment before turning on the ignition. It had definitely been a while. I kept telling myself not to have any fear but there was still some hesitation. My pulse started beating erratically even after I tried calming myself down.

I could feel the sweat dripping down my neck and although I tried to concentrate on the window in front of me I trembled ever so slightly. I didn't know what else would draw me forward but then I thought of her.

I thought of Hazel. Her smile. Her laugh. Her clumsiness and fearlessness... yes, I wanted to see her again. I needed to see her again. I would bring her back to Ravenwolf no matter what... I turned on the engine and backed the car out of the garage. When I was finally out I turned the car around and then sped forward.

There was nothing stopping me now.


When I reached the art studio the door was open.

When I realized that my heart sunk a little... along the way, Jackson confirmed with me that Charlie noticed that she seemed a little weird earlier. They investigated further and when they spoke to Edna they saw the package that she got. I saw a photo of it and I wondered what this person wanted...

I walked further into the studio and I tried turning on the lights but it wasn't working. Someone must have turned them off. So I slowly made my way inside with my cell phone's flashlight lighting up the room. Nothing was out of the ordinary but in the distance... I noticed a shattered vase on the ground. I crouched down and saw some blood on the shards. Hazel's phone was also there. The top had been smashed. My heart began to race instantly. I immediately called Nathan.

I told him that something happened at the studio and explained about the broken vase. Nathan told him he was already working with the police. He would send them over to the studio immediately.

After some more inspecting I found a small business card that must have fallen out of someone's pocket. It was a real estate card. The name on the card was: 'West Brooks.'

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