Love Like A Merry Go-Round

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I don't know how long we were standing beside one another, but when Nathan came back he released his hand from my arm. Kai told Nathan he would be up early tomorrow morning for their international call.

After he left Nathan looked at me suspiciously. I told him nothing happened. He then asked one of the other housekeeper's to help with the wine bottle mess and I said goodbye to him for the rest of the night...


A few more days passed and I slowly forgot about what happened with Cassandra.

Kai didn't ask me to give him any more details so I was happy it could all fade away into the darkness of my mind again...

I attended another shareholder meeting and learned that the new model sales were doing well thanks to the commercial and charity event. I went to the art studio a few times and even went back to the track again to see some more test drives.

When I finished participating in a survey that Nathan insisted I do at the office I decided to take a break outside before venturing off in the afternoon.

The weather was getting colder so I brought my large sweater-like coat with me to work and a huge scarf to wrap around my neck. The sun was out which was nice. I could see the condensation of my breath in the air, but the warmth from the sun was comforting.

I sat there for a while before I got a call from Rae who asked me if I could take some photos of 'nature' in one of the parks nearby. She couldn't find any inspiration on google images so she asked if I could take some photos nearby for our class tomorrow.

So of course I agreed to and took out my phone to take some photos of our environment. I only had to walk for 10 minutes before I spotted the nearest pathway with some gardens, trees, and some benches along the way.

I took a few photos of the last remaining flowers, some patches of green grass, and some trees which were losing their leaves. When the sun was hidden behind everything it looked like it was glowing.

When I thought I had taken enough photos I sent them to Rae hoping they would provoke inspiration.

I sat on a bench nearby and stretched my arms and then my legs out. I could feel the tension drain from my body. I yawned a little and looked over my shoulder, only to see Jackson standing by a tree in the distance. I thought I had been seeing an illusion so I squinted my eyes again and he was still there...

When he suddenly moved away from it I instinctively got up and walked towards him. When I got closer I confirmed it was indeed him.

He must have been in town for such a long time now and he hadn't come to his house... curiosity and maybe some concern got the better of me and I followed after him. I didn't know where he was this whole time just like his family. And although it wasn't my business something deep in my heart told me to go. Maybe the old man was looking down on me...

So I followed closely after him. It seemed endless. I didn't know where he was headed so it seemed like I was in a never-ending maze.

The more I followed him, however, the more remote looking the area became. It was already hard enough to avoid him when he looked over his shoulder from time to time. I must have terrified an old lady when I suddenly crouched down behind her. But I persisted...

The sun was setting when I lost him a little... he was heading into what seemed to be a closed amusement park. Maybe it was just closed for the season? It looked a little dingy...

I approached the chain fence and peered into the park. Jackson was walking towards something in the distance. I looked around anxiously for a way in but I didn't see anything. I tried walking a little to the right and left to see if there was a way I could get in. Defeated, I sighed and leaned against the fence.

I then looked up and saw that there wasn't anything stopping me from hopping over the fence...

No, no, no... the last time I got wrapped into something like this was when Rae, an obsessed fan of a boy group, convinced me to hop the fence over to their tour bus. Needless to say, we were banned from the venue and if there was a blacklist for security guards, I'm sure we would be on it.

But this is... different... this is about one of the most mysterious people I have encountered at Ravenwolf. Mainly because I never had any time to get to know him. Other than finding him in compromising situations or putting me in awkward or uncomfortable situations. If it wasn't for the old man I would steer clear of men like this...

With some resolve I exhaled and then stretched my arms a little. I took a few steps back and then ran forward. I managed to scale up the fence. Luckily there wasn't much height for me to climb over. When I landed firmly on the soles of my feet on the other side I prayed it was dark enough to hide my face in any potential CCTV nearby...

I had resolved to go this far so I walked ahead...

I had some hesitations along the way but I tried to find Jackson...

The amusement park looked very plain. There were cliche attractions, some games, and food stands. I passed by a cotton candy machine and looked around the corner nearby. There seemed to be some lights shining from that direction.

I must be out of my mind... but my feet kept moving me forward.... before I got closer, I felt a tap on my shoulder. This was it... either it was a ghost or someone who was about to book me for illegal trespassing. I thought about running away but instead I turned around and screamed out loud.

There was a person hovering over me wearing a terrifying mask. I jumped out of fear and lost my balance. When I did, the person in the mask reached out to steady me. They let go of my hands and I prepared to jet. Instead, they playfully took off their mask. It was Jackson.

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