What's This Feeling?

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Bakugo's P.O.V

I punched Deku square in the face and he fell backwards. "Holy shit! That's a mean right hook!" Screamed Pinky from   where she stood. Our stupid teacher thought quirkless sparing and putting me with Deku would calm me down a peg. That fucker was so wrong. I smirk down at Deku, who was knocked out cold. I am 90% sure I broke his jaw. "Man that was a Manly right hook!" Shouted Kirishima. I felt my heart skip a beat and my stomach feel almost ...like I swallowed a bee hive. The fuck was that? I looked over at Kirishima who was sparing against Pinky. He was working up a sweat. The bell went off and everybody but Deku ran to the lockers. Engine legs took Deku to the nurse office.

I smelled of Carmel as I walked into the locker room. I toss my mask into my locker than noticed Kirishima walking in. I noticed his muscles were dripping in sweat. The sweat shined on his muscles as the light reflects off it. He sat down on one of the benches and wiped his hand through his hair. I bit my lip and my stomach felt strange again. Heat pooled from my heart and down ward. I snapped out it and finished changing. The Fuck is wrong with me today?

I walked out of there and was determined to get a bath in before it was time for the girls. An arm drops onto my shoulders and I looked to my left to see Kirishima. He smiled wide. The lazy sun rays reflect off his teeth making a whole new meaning to blinding smile. "That was a good sparing today. I never thought a quirkless sparing match would be so fun" said Kirishima cheerful as we walked. I grunt. My face felt warm and I want to..I don't know want more of him on me? It's not that cold out today and am not shivering. Why the fuck am I like this today?

I grab a pair of black sweatpants, a gray tank-top and some gray boxers. I knew there was always towels down there. I exit my dorm room and started to walk twords the stairs. I heard a door open and close behind me. "Oh hey Bakugo you going for a bath too?" Asked Kirishima racing up to me. "Yeah" I said looking away from him. I felt that funny feeling in my stomach again as my cheeks heat up. We walked in and went to opposite side of the room. I took off my clothes and placed them in the box and laid out my clean ones. I tie a towel around my waist and sat down at a stool.

After I was rinsed off I stood up and walked twords the large tub full of steaming water. I slowly sat down and closed my eyes. Aw this felt so good on sore muscles. I heard Kirishima's water turn off. My stomach felt strange again as Kirishima made is way over to the tub. A blush appears along my face as I felt Kirishima sit down in the water across from me. "Agh this feels good huh?" Said Kirishima as he sat down. "Yeah.." I said opening my eyes to look over at him. His hair was down and it looked good. It framed his face and made him look ...cute? I bring up my hands and lean down. I splash my face and closed my eyes. The fuck is with me? What is Kirishima doing to me?

I stood up after ten minutes of my heart trying to escape my chest and go to Kirishima. I walked out and to my spot. Kirishima looked over as he sat in the tub. I dry off with another towel and toss it. I grab my boxers and untie my towel. It drops and I slip on my boxers. I looked over and noticed Kirishima was still staring at me. My heart stops and I get that strange feeling again. I quickly got dressed and left. The fuck was that!? I almost run back to my room. I flop down onto my bed. What was that? What was those feelings? What's happening to me?

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